Scientology 180 Degrees From The Truth
Scientology 180 Degrees From The Truth
I have written on Hubbard's use of reversals of truth as part of
his psychopathology (mental or behavioral disorder."he showed evidence
of genuine psychopathology") and fitting his study of the work of ,
among others , Orwell and Lifton on language . He wrote on propaganda
by redefinition of words .
I have also written on my acceptance of his fitting the definitions of a
malignant or traumatic narcissist .Some define this in different terms
but for my purposes I think the models that state the malignant
narcissist is like a mix of narcissism and psychopathy and According to
the DSM-IV, “narcissists expect to be catered to and are puzzled or
furious when this does not happen… they expect to be given whatever they
want or feel they need, no matter what it might mean to others… and they may react with disdain, rage or defiant
counterattack” if questioned or refused. However, narcissists need
attention and compliments, which psychopaths do not need. Serve to
define Hubbard .
Further in studying cultic abuse a subset of malignant narcissism is
theorized to exist . Doctor Daniel Shaw coined the term 'traumatizing
narcissist' as a system of subjugation – the objectification of one
person in a relationship as the means of enforcing the dominance of the
subjectivity of the other.
quotes taken from
And further there is the concept of the“180 rule” meaning for
psychopaths The Psychopath’s Lies are 180 Degrees the Opposite of the
Truth. A total reversal .
This is explored here
Here is an excerpt : The Psychopath’s Lies are 180 Degrees the Opposite of the Truth
Frequently, the mirror image of the truth appears in a psychopath’s
lies.Most notably, he will accuse you of being guilty of his own
transgressions and he will slander others by accusing them of his own
crimes. In psychological terms, it’s called “projecting”. The term “180
rule” applies to projecting as well as to the myriad of other lies he
tells. They tell the lie that is furthest from the truth.
End quote
I have written on this in Scientology's parallel in nature - malignant narcissism
and Propaganda by Reversal of Meaning in Scientology
and how this affects Hubbard's victims here The secret of Scientology part 1 control via contradiction
Simply put Hubbard had in my opinion a cluster of behavioral symptoms
that included lying in a manner that was often the exact reverse of the
truth as a component of his fundamental character . He additionally
found materials on how this can be used to confuse and manipulate
others effectively and exploited that knowledge as fully as he could .
His doctrine has his behavior so thoroughly interwoven in it and the
doctrine so totally dominates his victims minds and the cult he founded
that they and it mirror him very exactly in many aspects .
He called the slavery he gave total freedom , and so the cult follows
his example to an extreme degree in many ways . Paradox is a method of
confusion which Hubbard loved to use to make others more suggestible
and then command them and over time enslave them . You should always
consider that the truth for any statement from the Scientology cult or a
Scientologist is 180 degrees away from what is presented - you often
will be right on the mark . Do not let the audacity of the reversal put
you off - that is part of the technique .
I feel this is borne out time and again as Hubbard pretends to do the
opposite of what he actually does . Auditing adds content , but is
promoted as removing it , study tech inhibits the ability to study but
is said to improve it , ethics destroys your morals , admin makes people
confused about groups - to hide the corruption and fraud in Scientology
, the Sea Org elite are actually a low slave class . He says his
enemies do the very mental enslaving he himself did .
The cult "exposes" any exes or critics who report the cult's own very
real crimes . The cult always positions itself as similar to Jews
persecuted by Nazis - when in fact Hubbard based his practices and
doctrine largely on Hitler's methods and ideology covertly repackaged -
so the 180 degree reversal is to pretend to be victims of Nazism instead
of successors to it conceptually .
I have found the audacity of making a claim 180 degrees from the truth
when a claim of the truth is also given tends to confuse people and
cause them to withdraw - a win for the cult as it allows their crimes to
continue unopposed by authorities . I have re-examined hundreds of
Hubbard's doctrine and claims and found this to be quite consistent and
the basis for the PR and methods the cult still uses - they know at some
high level that it is all lies as they use the exact same propaganda
method .
Hi MockingBird. It's Skabetti from Tony's blog. I'm posting as Anonymous until I can figure out how to get Skabetti to show up instead of my name. Bravo to you. Lots of good research on this.