Sunday, May 22, 2016


For his May 16th 2016 article at the Underground Bunker blog Tony Ortega was kind enough to share some information with me and ask my opinion on a tape entitled Did L Ron Hubbard Believe His Own Rap ? Here's What He Admitted About Scientology In 1952.

Tony Ortega asked about the very first lecture on the historic Philadelphia Doctorate Course lectures.  PDC Tape 1 OPENING LECTURE: WHAT IS TO BE DONE IN COURSE

That's a very important taped lecture as it's influence is felt today and it has been quoted numerous times for a veritable gold mine of ideas. This has been done both in the cult and outside the cult because the quotes are so startling.

To describe the tapes themselves I will quote Jon Atack's book A Piece Of Blue Sky:

December 1952, Hubbard gave the Philadelphia Doctorate Course lectures to an audience of just thirty-eight. The lectures were taped, all seventy-two hours of them. The tapes are still heavily promoted, and sold for a high price, as is a course including them all. The lectures were based on Hubbard's newest book, Scientology 8.8008. Here the cosmology of Scientology was further expanded. Hubbard took the symbol "8" for infinity (by turning the mathematicians' infinity symbol upright), and explained that the book's title meant the attainment of infinity (the first 8) by the reduction of the physical universe's command value to zero (the 80), and the increase of the individual's personal universe to an infinity (the last 08). In short, through the application of the techniques given in the lectures, the individual would become a god.

The Theta-being, or individual human spirit, acquired the name it retains in Scientology: the Thetan. The Thetan is the self, the "I," that which is "aware of being aware" in Man. Since its entry into the physical universe trillions of years ago the Thetan, originally all-knowing, has declined through a "dwindling spiral" of introversion into Matter, Energy, Space and Time. The Thetan can allegedly "exteriorize" from its physical body, and Hubbard gave auditing techniques which he claimed would achieve this result. The Thetan is immortal and capable of all sons of remarkable feats. Scientologists call these "Operating Thetan" (or "OT") abilities. They include telekinesis, levitation, telepathy, recall of previous lives, "exterior" perception (or "remote viewing"), disembodied movement to any desired location, and the power to will events to occur: to transform, create or destroy Matter, Energy, Space and Time (or "MEST").
The main new auditing technique was Creative Processing. In Creative Processing, the Auditor asks the Preclear to make a "mental image picture" of something. During a demonstration Hubbard asked a female subject to "mock-up" a snake. She refused, because she was frightened of snakes. So Hubbard asked her to "mock it up" at a distance from her. He directed her to make it smaller, change its color, and so forth, until she had the confidence to let it touch her. Theoretically, this would allay the subject's fear of snakes.

In the seventy-two hours of the Philadelphia Doctorate Course, Hubbard expounded an entire cosmology. He talked about implants, the Tarot, a civilization called Arslycus (where we were all slaves for 10,000 life-times, largely spending our time polishing bricks in zerogravity), how to sell people on Scientology, "anchor points" (which Thetans extend to mesh their own space with that of the physical universe), how to bring up children, and how to give up smoking (by smoking as much as you can) - about a hundred and one things. And he did it all with his usual mischievous charm.

Hubbard also defined his Axioms of Scientology at great length. We learn that "Life is basically static" without mass, motion, wavelength, or location in space or in time; that the physical universe is a reality only because we all agree it is a reality. (Robert Heinlein used this idea in Stranger in a Strange Land. Mahayana Buddhists have mulled it over for centuries.)

It was during the course of the Philadelphia Doctorate Course that Hubbard mentioned his "very good friend," Aleister Crowley, and in places his ideas do seem to be a science fictionalized extension of Crowley's black magic. Crowley too was an advocate of visualization techniques.

End quote Jon Atack

I should remark that I believe Jon Atack's description is quite accurate. The lecture series is humorously enough promoted as a tremendous success. In the cult the tiny audience of thirty eight Scientologists was described as an elite group hand picked by Ron Hubbard personally. See, the failure of Scientology to attract people was spun as a myth of being huge but very selective for the lectures so every turn of events is portrayed as a win.

Another significant fact is that the auditing described as "mocking up things" is actually a very old hypnotic technique that Hubbard knew well. Volney Mathison created the E meter Hubbard used and knew having people create images while on it was a hypnotic technique.

I will quote his own words on it from
"Don't be tricked by any faker, whether he claims to be holy, "illuminated", or "scientific". There are charlatans who promise--even through the U. S. mails, so stupidly reck less are they--to heal or transform you for large sums of money--some by esoteric "teachings", others by their mere presence or by their invoking some mysterious Power. The Power they claim to invoke is genuine--but it functions only within each of us. It was, is, and probably always will be here, unlimited.

The faker who hypnotizes you out of your money is not himself a sane, whole, and happy man--he is usually operating, puppet-like, on some deep, uncleared set of sub conscious image patterns as brutal as those of some stray killer shark.
The power to create and to re-create is within each of us. It is not to be brought in through the door or the window by the wave of any man's hand, no matter how good or saintly a man he may in some cases actually be."

Creative Image Therapy
by Volney G Mathison
(c) 1954 by Matheson Electropsychometers International
Scanned and OCR'd by Exposing the CON
This is from chapter 6 of Creative Image Therapy which is available at for examination. I believe Volney Mathison knew exactly what Hubbard was up to.

I will now show selected quotes from Hubbard's first lecture of the series to examine and give comments on the quotes.

"They pick a pc off the street, you see, and they start running them, and this pc gets the idea that he is practically the Prince of Darkness or something of the sort and that it’s all a big plot. They just start asking this person this. This person up to this moment has appeared perfectly a Homo sapiens. And they’re the Prince of Darkness from Venus or someplace, you see, and that there’s a terrible plot out against everybody in Scientology. And everybody had better be very, very careful to put up force screens so that nothing like this can get in. And so I’m going to send him back a letter, “So you say you have some connection with the Prince of Darkness out there and you’re very worried about this. Who do you think I am?”" Ron Hubbard

This quote is worth noting because Hubbard repeatedly referred to the devil.  "If the devil ever existed, then it was none other than he who created the reactive mind"

 Ron Hubbard Dianetics 

 He is covertly boasting and once one has studied his extensive occult ( some say Satanic ) background, his subtle lie of saying the devil designed the reactive mind coupled with finding it to be a lie to control and confuse people makes perfect sense. HE assumes the role of devil and creator of the reactive mind !!! both of which are purely his lies and/or delusions !!

Further in OT VIII the antichrist version the following quotes are present:

No doubt you are familiar with the Revelations section of the Bible where various events are predicted. Also mentioned is a brief period of time  in which an arch-enemy of Christ, referred to as the anti-Christ, will reign and his opinions will have sway. All this makes for very fantastic, entertaining reading but there is truth in it. This anti-Christ represents the forces of Lucifer (literally, the "light bearers" or "light bringer"), Lucifer being a mythical representation of the forces of enlightenment, the Galactic Confederacy. My mission could be said to fulfill the Biblical promise represented by this brief anti-Christ period. Ron Hubbard OT VIII Series I HCO BULLETIN OF 5 MAY 1980

It is a good joke that the Galactic Confederacy is associated with the Serpent in the Garden, the beast and other emissaries of the "Prince of Darkness". Yet in certain passages and esoteric interpretations of the Bible (much of which has been taken out and effectively suppressed for centuries) as well as the Cabbalah, the truth reveals itself quite nicely for the clever and the ungullible.
Ron Hubbard OT VIII Series I HCO BULLETIN OF 5 MAY 1980

Hubbard had a long affair with the occult and this is apparent in his affirmations as well. He placed himself as the devil covertly in the book  Dianetics in 1950 and then slyly in ambiguous terms as the Prince of Darkness in 1952 then finally overtly as the Prince of Darkness and antichrist figure in 1980. Very interesting and far from the face Scientology shows new members and the outside world. 

"Now, the point is that Standard Operating Procedure is fifty percent first fifteen minutes. You’ve got a theta exterior in the first fifteen minutes of play in fifty percent of your cases, and probably it’s twentyfive or thirty hours for the toughest of the cases. That’s a long time. Well, when I say a long time now, measured in terms of ten hours, that’s a long time. A very, very long time would be twenty-five hours of processing." Ron Hubbard

This part has several important ideas to examine. In 1952 Hubbard claimed to be able to have a person who can leave their body as a spirit and operate externally at twenty five hours for the worst case scenario.

In reality in Scientology you NEVER actually leave your body. You might feel dissociation which can manifest a floating or unreal feeling, but that's a response to trauma and not a psychic power. It can be created with hypnosis, drugs, chanting and in labs by entirely non mystical means.

No Scientologist has EVER been able to demonstrate any psychic abilities. None. Zip. Zero. If you think otherwise James Randi has a million dollars waiting for you. But you have some good reason you don't want it.

Additionally, the amount of time Scientologists spend receiving auditing to get to and through Scientology is actually hundreds and thousands of hours with no promised perfect character, perfect sanity, perfect memory, or mighty powers beyond mortal men and women.

So, that is a huge issue by itself.

I wrote a post that shows the conventional view on exteriorization:

Exteriorization Versus Dissociation

"There’s a faster process called Spacation. Isn’t that a wonderful word? I have made that up all by myself. You won’t find it in any dictionaries. It means a process having to do with the rehabilitation of the creation of space, process having to do with the rehabilitation of the creation of space. That’s Spacation. It also would have a second meaning. And that meaning would be—you see we— in English we don’t have a word which means “creation of space.” People overlook this word or didn’t have the information or didn’t get the word or were just stupid about all this or something. But you keep making this space called MEST universe all the time. If you weren’t here there wouldn’t be any space. But you keep making it, and you’re stuck with it at the moment." Ron Hubbard

Again, Hubbard uses vivid imagination and creativity from the victim to create images. Once the victim is convinced they are actually creating something real they cross the line from imagination to hallucination and conversation to hypnosis.

I cover the hypnosis in Scientology in fine detail in several articles:

Basic Introduction To Hypnosis in Scientology

Burning Down Hell - How Commands Are Hidden, Varied And Repeated To Control You As Hypnotic Implants

Why Hubbard Never Claimed OT Feats And The Rock Bottom Basis Of Scientology

The Secret Of Scientology Part 1 Control Via Contradiction

Insidious Enslavement: Study Technology

"Now, in order to use these techniques, in order to get very rapid results, there’s a considerable body of information connected with the thetan, all the rest of the various parts of a human being. But don’t think that’s the only reason you have to have this information. It’s actually a dirty trick to make a theta clear out of somebody without passing him the data that should go with it. He does not—he doesn’t automatically know. His knowingness is high, but that’s potential knowingness. That’s only potential. And there’s actual data goes along with the subject of being a theta clear. He doesn’t know this instinctively. If he knew this instinctively, he would not be here in the MEST universe, make up your mind to that, if he knew all this data."
Ron Hubbard

Hubbard knew hypnosis requires three components. Many hypnotists define hypnosis as suggestion plus imagination. But I have seen that another component is mandatory: authority.

Many hypnotists call it prestige or altitude or a psychologist may call it transference. By any name it is the same thing.

Hubbard lied to get what he called altitude, he encouraged imagination with his repetitive questions as Elizabeth Loftus found. He described the reality to be imagined with his language that redefined the past, present and future. And his stories of past lives as mighty beings on distant words with fantastic powers. He got auditors to compel blurring the distinction between imagination in conversation and hallucination in hypnotic submission. The victim trusts the discretion of the auditor above their own and is highly vulnerable to suggestions. They also trust Hubbard blindly.

The information Hubbard wants the victim to accept is his doctrine. That's the reason it has to be indoctrinated into them so they "recall" and "discover" it in auditing and on course.

Regarding the effects of his language I wrote:

Propaganda By Reversal Of Meaning In Scientology

"Fortunately, very few subjects are as elementary or as basically simple in their parts as this. So on the one hand when you say what this subject is, you can expect people’s hair to stand on end. And then if you went ahead and explained its various component parts, and it might only take you three weeks, they would suddenly realize that the subject was knowable. And that’s one of the first things you’ve got to know when I announce this subject to you: The subject is knowable, quite knowable, and you can satisfy yourself that it’s knowable in a very short space of time. You can satisfy yourself—the first day you use Creative Processing you will suddenly realize that you are handling a knowable subject." Ron Hubbard

Again, he suggests you will know this on the first day. In saying it is knowable he wants you to cast aside doubts and believe. Believe it is possible and understandable even when it seems contradictory, which it is, or when it seems like nonsense, which it is.

He wanted to suggest otherwise so his victim could consider the possibility. He fulfilled suggestion, imagination and authority on the people that Scientology "worked" on.

The ones it failed entirely on usually just left.

"You’re studying the basic structure—this is the most elementary level of its study—we’re studying the basic structure and experience—get that, structure and experience—called the MEST universe. That’s the most elementary of these studies. Now, the reason we have to study this, and the only reason we have to study this, is because it sums up into what they laughingly call natural laws. And these natural laws are the outgrowth of the composite agreement of all the beings in this universe. These laws, you might say, are the inevitable average of agreement if you start out with something like the first entrance into the MEST universe. The first postulates of the MEST universe, if you start out from there, you wind up 76 trillion MEST universe years later with things squirreled up the way they are."
Ron Hubbard

He tries to combine a scientific sounding explanation to seem authoritative. To gain authority. It's a simple trick liars and conmen use and bullshitters.  Simply sound like a technical expert and some people will assume you know what you're talking about. We all might do it sometimes when we really aren't experts. At least a little if we don't really watch ourselves.

"Now, when you get this basic agreement, when you get all these agreements summed up, you’ll find out that they are statable, very accurately statable. Another thing, they’re experiencable, which is more important. And they’re experiencable by a preclear ten minutes after you start processing him. That’s more important to you as an auditor. Now, he won’t even vaguely know what’s happening. You’ll know what’s happening. You’ve got to know what’s happening, because all sorts of things might start to occur on which you would have no check or track if you didn’t know what you were doing." Ron Hubbard

He is suggesting the incidents to be found in auditing will be easy to experience and understandable. The student is getting a couple suggestions. One is that when they are receiving auditing it will be vivid and understandable. Another is that when they are auditing the victim will catch up to them. So they believe the Scientology past life story AND the technology itself is valid for finding and interpreting the auditing without solid proof. So they encourage the victim to cooperate and fulfill the expectations the suggestions imply. The suggestions are rewarded and because the auditor usually sincerely believes in Scientology the rapport seems beneficial. Both auditor and victim think they are being honest and doing good. The lie feels real because neither one knows transference is being used and each sees the behavior of the other as providing proof for Scientology while both are being deceived.

"Probably 30 trillion years ago, or something like that, E=mc2  (or whatever that formula is) probably wasn’t true. Probably nobody had agreed to that yet, or something of the sort. I’m sure—there’s an old civilisation called Arslycus that you’ll find on an E-meter with the pc. By the way, if you want to make your pc terribly tired and worn out, if you want to put him under good control and start him down the automaticity curve— that’s another one—if you want to put him down the automaticity curve rapidly, just suggest to him something about Arslycus and get him just to run a little corner of Arslycus, and then sympathise with him and leave him there." Ron Hubbard

 "He’s spent something like ten thousand lives in Arslycus, on the average, and all he did was work. And he did the same job over and over. And when he died they could reach out and bring him back and put him in another body. And he was a trained artisan, and they didn’t even educate him again; they grew the body very rapidly and they put him back on the same job. And the job would have to do with polishing the third row of bricks, and that would be all there was to the job—polishing the third row of bricks. Arslycus got worse and worse. It got bigger and bigger. It was not built on a planet; it was just built in space. And it got bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger, and one of these days I’m sure one of these slaves suddenly got the big idea of mass. And it sounded so reasonable, it sounded so logical to everybody that you had to start going slow with Arslycus because you would overdo the mass formula, that everybody agreed to this. The mass formula became a fact and Arslycus broke to pieces and scattered around in that particular part of the sky as being of too great a mass to sustain itself. Before that it was just buildings built on thin air, and roadways going between buildings. And it blew to pieces and all broke up and everybody fell through the sky, and were very happy to see it gone. But I think that that is about the point where you got the law of gravity coming in strongly. And after that the law of gravity began to affect itself on the universe more and more and more and more and more and you started to get all kinds of suns and planets and the most fantastic array of things." Ron Hubbard

Hubbard in the tapes and written materials provided hundreds of details and scenarios for auditors to seek and students to "recall". Often the auditor and person he or she audited studied the exact same materials. So the auditor knew what to discover and the person being audited knew exactly what to find.

"Now, all this of course is—I’m just kidding you mostly. I don’t believe that you’ve been in the universe 76 trillion years. I don’t believe you have any past before birth. I don’t believe that there is any reason whatsoever for this universe to be here except some fellow called the devil or something that built it. And I don’t believe any of these things. And I don’t want to be agreed with about them. It infuriates me to be agreed with about them. So I’m not asking for anybody to agree with me but I’m not asking for anybody to disagree with me either." Ron Hubbard

Again Hubbard says the devil built this universe. He was slyly referring to himself as the creator of the Scientology universe which only exists as hypnotic illusions or lies from Hubbard. He is still playing the devil. The only reason Scientology exists is because Hubbard built it with lies.

Now the reason this tape was even referred to me was to examine how Hubbard says to not take it on his word. To not agree with him. He wanted his victims to be utterly fooled.

My response to this quote was: You are right. Tony, Hubbard used the con man’s trick of getting his victim to feel like his ideas are actually their own. Hubbard says don’t believe it on faith, but he knows as a master hypnotist and propagandist that hypnosis is suggestion plus imagination with authority or rapport or altitude. He achieved the effect of suggesting the very vivid images of past lives in fine detail and then the people who in auditing imagined them and mistook that for memories served to validate his suggestions themselves. He made contradictions from direct evidence seem wrong, he also established infallible authority. The victim takes Hubbard’s word over observation, since they see the physical universe as a lie and disagreement with Hubbard as a lack of awareness or sanity. It’s a closed loop, if you agree with Hubbard you are right and if you or anything disagrees it is wrong or a lie.

I should elaborate and point out by "ideas" I meant ideas Hubbard said, and not ones he necessarily believed. There's a world of difference. He wanted to set up people to expect then confirm his ideas so they would be sure they knew them deep deep down to be true. 

"All I’m asking is that we take a look at this information, and then go through a series of classassigned exercises. Each one of you will get a mimeographed piece of paper, and that has a series of exercises on it, and it just says test this and test that. And it gives you a rundown actually on the complete subject. It is asking you to look for phenomena. And you’ll complete that before we’re finished here— complete that in the evening or when you’re off for the weekend." Ron Hubbard

The looking is using your imagination with the auditor encouraging you. Hubbard had people look with their imagination. It's so simple you can not believe it.

"It is a very interesting thing, but all this phenomena is discoverable. So I’m not asking you to agree with me. I’m actually asking you to find out what you agreed with, and what you have been agreeing with all this time, in order to bring you to such a point of agreement that you’re actually here and think that you should only be here and—in the MEST universe and so forth—and examine that track of agreement so that then you can undo that track of agreement. In other words, let’s see if we can’t disagree with this universe just a little bit, not necessarily to destroy the universe." Ron Hubbard

He makes the agreement that the Scientologist will find what is there to be found. Curiously there is no room for not finding the story Hubbard laid out. If you cooperate you either find it or something close or reject Scientology. To fit in, to not defy authority you must find the only things Hubbard gave you to find with the tools Hubbard defined.

"And you know, every secret cult, every cult there has ever been, every block of knowledge ever put forward in this universe has tried to have a big secrecy level on it. The information dives out of sight in this universe faster than anything you ever saw."
Ron Hubbard

He is so on the nose here it's dripping with irony. He puts it right in front of his victims how he is fooling them, how he is conning them and that he's making a cult. He was interested in having a cult.

He felt he figured out exactly the anatomy of a cult. He knew keeping secrets from his followers was a fundamental ingredient to building a cult. He had hundreds of secrets from his followers.

He kept secret that Dianetics was a combination of things. It was secret that it had plagiarized Abreactive Therapy. It was secret that Dianetics has hypnosis as its primary function. It was a secret that the original two hundred seventy or so original clears described in Dianetics never existed. Not one. They were made up.

They were a cover to sell the sci-fi horror of the reactive mind. A terror that was the key to Hubbard selling his whole con. By pretending to remove a hidden mind that influenced people Hubbard had an excuse to install a hypnotic mind or fake identity. He used hypnosis relabeled as listening.

He had secrets and he relied on them.

"Several thousand years ago somebody made a philosophical machine called the Tarot. Lord knows what that machine is up to or all about. And then he says, “The only way I can possibly make this last is to hand it over as playing cards to the gypsies.” And so today, down through these thousands of years, we can again and still look at the Tarot. It’s still in existence, but it’s just a philosophical machine. Every one of the cards in the Tarot is a concept of human experience one way or the other. And what he did with these and what he knew with these I don’t know. But it’s a very interesting gimmick. One of the things that survives from the Tarot is the Fool. The Fool, of course, is the wisest of all. The Fool who goes down the road with the alligators barking at his heels, and the dogs yapping at him, blindfolded, on his way, he knows all there is to know and does nothing about it. And that is the Egyptian variation of the word fool." Ron Hubbard

This part is very revealing regarding Hubbard's interest in the occult. He had this as a secret for several reasons. He wanted to covertly employ occult practices but hide them. He also plagiarized the methods and wanted credit for creating what he pretended they were.

I covered the similarities between his doctrine and the occult text OAHSPE in a three part series.

OT III And Beyond: Sources Plagiarized From Part 1, 2 and 3
Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

And Hubbard's interest in the occult is perhaps best demonstrated in one reference: his affirmations.

Affirmations as he used them were self hypnosis commands to influence his own mind. They were meant to never be seen by others.

Hubbard's Affirmations

"But every piece of information.we have had in the past has dived out of sight. The one thing you mustn’t do in the MEST universe is know. You must agree, not know. And if you agree enough, it seems to say, if you just agree enough, why, you’ll just get along better and better and better, and sure enough you apparently do—up to a certain point. And then it’s a case of “Agree or else.” And then it’s the case of “You will agree. We don’t care if you’re agreeing. We’re just going to go right on punishing you. Sure, you’re willing to do all this, we don’t care if you’re willing or not. We’ll just go on punishing you.”"
 Ron Hubbard

This is striking as a blueprint. Hubbard used this in the creation of the Sea Org. He found and tested various ideas from others and used the ones that achieved this and discarded any that didn't.

In Scientology  members must agree with Hubbard's directions and claims without actually knowing what Scientology truly is or how it was created. He used the idea of people wanting to fit in with their group and to comply with authority.

That's what he described with his statement about agreement. He wanted the people he fooled to submit more and more but knew he would punish them and keep punishing them.

He saw what cults do and when he described his cult he said it was this universe. But the universe he created was a lie, a suggestion if you will. He repeatedly suggested it but misdirected attention off that by claiming it was a universe that already existed hidden from view.

"Did you ever see anybody at the gambling table who cared desperately and who had to win— did you ever see him win? Not in this universe. But this fellow who’s sitting there and he doesn’t care, if he got the money he’d take it out and throw it in a spittoon, and there that fellow sits with the dollars rolling in on him. And he’s getting a higher and higher stack of win. But then one day he gets married or something, he’s threatened to lose his job and he says, “I’ve always won at gambling. Now I think I’ll go back and play. I’ll make some money.” He’s done. He goes back and he loses and loses and loses and loses and loses."
Ron Hubbard

Hubbard knew a key component to the control he wanted was something cult members must have and cult leaders absolutely depend on: magical thinking. Magical thinking makes the blind faith a cult leader needs possible. It makes the empty promises of counterfeit dreams believable.

By believing in the superhuman powers magical thinking accepts a cult member can bypass independent thinking and critical thinking and their best judgment. They just accept and defend entirely unsupported claims about the nature of reality.

Hubbard wanted to repeatedly suggest that magical thinking is proper and correct. His many stories of intention being cause were all aimed at this goal.

If people believe in magic they can believe in a source of magic and Hubbard was only to happy to lie to claim both. He wanted it to seem detrimental to not have magical thinking and beneficial and logical to have magical thinking.

"Well, he was able to take a very grand view of all this at first. Then later on when it became serious to him . . . And you know—you know, the way to get ahead in the world is “Work hard” and “Save your money,” and be respectful, respectful and polite, and willing, and very agreeable to your superiors. This is the old formula, and yet it’s dismaying to go around and find the (quote) “captains of industry” and find out that they’re a whole bunch of pirates and bums. They were never respectful to anybody. It’s just incredible! Yet there they sit in command of large works and industries. And these fellows, they didn’t save their money. They don’t save their money. They are not cautious with their investments. They buy the doggonest things. They get into the worst possible scrapes and trouble, and seem to keep right on going and getting right out of them again." Ron Hubbard

He suggested the magical thinker wins and the other kind loses in life as a rule.

"And you sit around and say, “Well, that fellow’s going to come to grief sooner or later.” And after you’ve said that for about forty years, why, you get a little apathetic about it but you just know that right will triumph in the end. Of course the end of that track is MEST. Well, the fellow who hopes this, by the way, is already pretty well on that track and he’ll be MEST before the other fellow will, because the other fellow can still bend the MEST universe around and he doesn’t have to agree with it too much."
Ron Hubbard

"It has been under development for a long time and has actually been a progressive development and examination of the agreements which came to bring about the MEST universe, and then became the science of how agreements are made, and then became, what are the beings who make these agreements? And how can you start all this from these basics? And that’s where we are now." Ron Hubbard

He has a bunch of important agreements to sell. They are very needed to build a system. But the system is how to covertly enslave people who aid in enslaving each other. He presented them as important to learn to take apart hidden enslavement but he knew if he achieved certain goals by any hidden means the goals would be what mattered not the false beliefs he sold them with.

His claim of a science of how the agreements were made was actually his subject of using agreements to dominate others.

"And boy, if you don’t think you can’t do something with that, you ought to quit. Because you can do terrible things with this, you can do terrible things with this, just horrible, too grim for words. The only thing that’s a saving grace is, as a person comes way up the tone scale, his ethic level also comes way up. And is that fortunate ! " Ron Hubbard

He half confesses here. He's trying to suggest Scientology is powerful. He wants to hide the danger it presents but not dismiss the power he wants it to be.

He sells the tone scale lie as a way to pretend Scientology makes one more ethical. He knew the subject was entirely unethical.

"We must remember to be moral above all other things."
Ron Hubbard

He pretends concern for others. It's a put on but by repeating it enough he knows some people will believe it.

"But you can do terrible, terrible things with this subject, and you can also do very, very good things with this subject. And you’re going to find your preclears attempting some of the doggonest things with this subject. Right away you spring some preclear out of his body, he takes one look at the room, he says—he’s actually about as weak as a kitten that’s born dead. But he thinks of himself in comparison to what he’s been, you see, he thinks of himself as a huge being. Oh boy, is he strong, is he powerful, and he’s going to go right over and knock out Russia. Yes, sir! This afternoon. He’s not going to tell you about it. He’s going to go home. And he’s found out he can do this and he’s all set, and he’s very hepped on it, and he goes home and he puts the body down on the couch, and he goes over and he tries to find the Kremlin and he finally finds the Kremlin, and he’s going to do this and that. And so when he tries to find Joe—and something or other happens that makes him upset."
Ron Hubbard

"Location, space and time, he’s doing too many things at once."
Ron Hubbard

Here Hubbard finally does a few more things to finish selling the con. He suggests the power again in vivid detail and gives the auditor and the person being audited something to seek.

He suggests exteriorization actually happens but cautions against it. It's all a mystery.

But Hubbard gives himself an out for a lack of results because he knew no results were going to occur, at least nothing close to the miracles he suggested.

He acted like if the person was doing too much at once they would fail at using the powers Scientology promised.

It fits the magical thinking, it fits the agreements to control others, it fits the need to give authority to Hubbard.

The magic in Scientology is beyond doubt to Scientologists. Miracles are routinely promised. So a fall guy must exist when failures occur. Since Hubbard knew that his promises were fraudulent he had to have scapegoats.

And he found plenty. He left himself an out in blaming the skill and education of the auditor. He kept acting like they needed more knowledge, more skills, more training from him of course.

That supported his authority and lessened the authority of others. He never minded stepping on someone else's neck to lift himself up. He made sure everyone knew that he more than an auditor or person being audited was the source of the results in Scientology, if they are considered good or miraculous.

He made sure the person being audited would see their faults as responsible for failure in Scientology.

I hope people see him as the source of lies and abuse. And rejecting Scientology completely as an opportunity to be the source of their own lives.

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