Before I get to the heart of this post I want to make something perfectly
clear I do not automatically see every attorney as a bad person . I (naively perhaps) believe a person can be good and decent and practice law . But Scientology has a special reputation for abuses and exploitation of vulnerabilities in the legal system . The attorneys warrant exposure for a simple reason .
I have heard from far too many parents who have had to bury children
thanks to the cult and others who can never see their kids and grandkids
and are heartbroken every day .I could go on for hours about the abuses
and crimes the cult has protected by the unethical scumbag perjury
suborning , witness tampering , justice obstructing , conspiracy
committing dirt bag pieces of shit Scientology relies on for lowering
the reputation of the very sleaziest, slimiest of attorneys .
To be exact we can look at specific individuals and not just lump them all ina pile of human scum . That would be unfair. I will start with a well known Scientologist .
The following are quotes from Wikipedia :
Kendrick Lichty Moxon is a
Scientology official and an
attorney with the
law firm Moxon & Kobrin. He practices in
Los Angeles, California, and is a lead counsel for the
Church of Scientology.
He worked out of the Scientology
intelligence agency known as the
Guardian's Office (GO), and was named as an unindicted co-conspirator after the
Federal Bureau of Investigation's investigation into criminal activities by Scientology operatives called "
Operation Snow White". An evidence stipulation in the case signed by both parties stated he
had provided false handwriting samples to the FBI; Moxon has since said
that he did not "knowingly supply" false handwriting samples.
In 1990 Moxon represented the organization in a suit against the
Internal Revenue Service
in an attempt to gain access to information about Scientology held by
the IRS. He assisted 50 Scientologists in filing separate lawsuits
against the organization
Cult Awareness Network (CAN), which led to the
bankruptcy of the organization. He represented the plaintiff in the
Jason Scott case against CAN and cult
deprogrammer Rick Ross.
Along with Scientology founder
L. Ron Hubbard and nineteen other Scientologists, Moxon was named as an unindicted co-conspirator after the
Federal Bureau of Investigation's investigation into criminal activities by Scientology operatives called "
Operation Snow White". At the time of the indictments and investigation by the
Federal Bureau of Investigation in the Operation Snow White case, Moxon was working in the church
intelligence agency then known as the
Guardian's Office (GO).
Operation Snow White was the name coined by Scientology founder
L. Ron Hubbard for a mission by the organization's intelligence division to illegally obtain documents from the United States government.
[ As part of Operation Snow White, members of the Guardian's Office broke into U.S. government offices including those of the
Internal Revenue Service, in order to steal documents relating to Scientology.
End quotes from Wikipedia article on Kendrick Moxon
I will let people examine this individual for themselves and decide how ethical an attorney he is .
I will provide a few other relevant quotes to support my claim that Scientology attorneys have a history that simply puts them into an entirely different ethical category than others .
Begin Wikipedia quotes:
In 1994, Scientology attorney
Helena Kobrin was fined $17,775 for filing a frivolous lawsuit.
U.S. District Court Judge
Leonie Brinkema cited a frequently quoted statement of
L. Ron Hubbard on the subject in the case of
Religious Technology Center vs. The Washington Post, on November 28, 1995:
The purpose of the suit is to harass and discourage rather than win.
The law can be used very easily to harass, and enough harassment on
somebody who is simply on the thin edge anyway, well knowing that he is
not authorized, will generally be sufficient to cause professional
decease. If possible, of course, ruin him utterly.
L. Ron Hubbard,
The Scientologist, a Manual on the Dissemination of Material, 1955
Critics also allege that the Church uses litigation as a cover for intimidation tactics, such as investigating the
criminal records (or lack thereof) of opponents and subjecting them to
and invasive inquiries, both to discourage further criticism and to
ensure the opponent's unwillingness to fight the lawsuit. A policy
letter by L. Ron Hubbard, distributed in early 1966, says:
This is correct procedure:
- Spot who is attacking us.
- Start investigating them promptly for FELONIES or worse using own professionals, not outside agencies.
- Double curve our reply by saying we welcome an investigation of them.
- Start feeding lurid, blood sex crime actual evidence on the attackers to the press.
Don't ever tamely submit to an investigation of us. Make it rough, rough on attackers all the way.
Critics of Scientology cite this passage, among others (such as the widely documented
Fair Game doctrine), to support their contentions that the church uses smear tactics to augment the effectiveness of legal threats.
- In the case of Wollersheim vs. Church of Scientology (1980), former member Larry Wollersheim
sued the organization for mental distress, and was awarded $30 million
in damages. On appeal, the award was reduced to $2.5 million.
In 1996, Wollersheim was awarded an additional $130,506.71 in
attorney's fees incurred while defending against a church lawsuit that
was dismissed for violating a California law prohibiting strategic lawsuits against public participation.The Church vowed not to pay the award, and the case dragged through the
courts for 22 years, including two separate appeals to the Supreme Court of the United States and two additional appeals to the Supreme Court of California. In early 2002, the case was finally settled, with the Church of Scientology paying Larry Wollersheim $8,674,643.
- In Religious Technology Center v. Gerbode, 1994 WL 228607 (C.D. Cal. 1994) (against Frank A. Gerbode, inventor of Traumatic Incident Reduction), a Rule 11 sanction of $8,887.50 was imposed against Helena Kobrin, an attorney for the Church, for bringing baseless and frivolous claims.
- In R. v. Church of Scientology of Toronto, et al.
(1992), the Church of Scientology was convicted on two charges of
breaching the public trust, and seven members were convicted on various
- In Hill v. Church of Scientology of Toronto, Justice Casey Hill, at that time a Crown attorney involved in the R. v. Church of Scientology of Toronto
case, sued and won CAD$1,600,000 for libel, the largest libel damage
award in Canadian history. During the case, it was shown that a file had
been kept on him as an "Enemy Canada." In their decision (1995), the Supreme Court of Canada found:
In this case, there was ample evidence upon which the jury could
properly base their finding of aggravated damages. The existence of the
file on Casey Hill under the designation "Enemy Canada" was evidence of
the malicious intention of Scientology to "neutralize" him. The press
conference was organized in such a manner as to ensure the widest
possible dissemination of the libel. Scientology continued with the
contempt proceedings although it knew its allegations were false. In its
motion to remove Hill from the search warrant proceedings, it implied
that he was not trustworthy and might act in those proceedings in a
manner that would benefit him in his libel action. It pleaded
justification or truth of its statement when it knew it to be false. It
subjected Hill to a demeaning cross-examination and, in its address to
the jury, depicted Hill as a manipulative actor.
- In 1978, L. Ron Hubbard, creator of Scientology, was convicted for
illegal business practices, namely, making false claims about his
ability to cure physical illnesses. He was sentenced to four years in
prison, which was never served.
- In 2009, a case went to trial in France, after a woman claims to
have been pressured into paying €21,000 ($29,400) to the Church of
Scientology for lessons, books and medicines for her poor mental state
accused the Church of Scientology of "organised fraud".
Her lawyers argue that the church systematically seeks to make money
through mental pressure and use scientifically dubious cures. Coincidentally, a large scale simplification of the laws in France occurred just prior to the beginning of the trial.
Suspicion was raised as the new law revision forbids the dissolution of
a legal entity, an unadvertised change among hundreds of others.
Dissolution was the main sentence requested by the prosecutor against
the Church of Scientology in this trial, becoming unlawful as the law
On October 27, 2009, a verdict was rendered: six members of the CoS in
France, and the Church itself, were convicted of fraud. Four of these,
including Alain Rosenberg, were given suspended prison sentences. The Scientology Celebrity Center in Paris,
a Scientology bookstore, and all six individual convicts were ordered
to pay fines. The plaintiff's request for dissolution of the Church was
not fulfilled.
End quotes from Wikipedia article Scientology and law
The preceding is just a sample of the legal history of Scientology and I encourage the curious and outraged to examine it as thoroughly as you desire , and can stomach .
I want to add that in the nineteen nineties while I was in the terrorist mind control cult Scientology a frequent claim that was made time and again by staff and Sea Org members was that Scientology NEVER lost a court case . It was said that on occasion an appeal was needed to win final victory - but it was completely clear that the claim was a 100% win ratio when the dust settled .
I was told , along with others at events and in person that Scientology had truth and justice on its side and therefor ALWAYS won by simply telling the truth .
When I came out of the cult in 2014 I found that was a complete and utter lie and it supported a large body of other lies about the cult and its history and founder Ron Hubbard.
Now , if you put in perspective the distortions that are promoted in the cult to fool its members and the history that Wikipedia reports I ask you to decide for yourself and not let my personal opinion of the Scientolgy cult's lawyers as unethical scumbags influence you . I am no law expert , so completely discount my opinion as one from a bitter defrocked apostate ( I never got a frock in the first place anyway ? ) .
Don't let me influence or prejudice you one iota - please look at their history yourself and you tell me are they scumbags knowingly helping to deceive Scientologists and the public and helping the cult to commit and hide crimes or am I wrong ?
When critics point this out we get the dissonance brutally projected onto us by petulant and belligerent Scientologists who instinctively protect the false confident self to avoid unpleasant buried conflict . Always understand Scientologists simultaneously hold multiple meanings for terms and use the one that at any moment asserts their "rightness" more .Simple right ?
Really the double think is achieved by the OT levels, often earlier .I had it by two months within the cult . .Orwell understood that a person can be so mixed up on a concept that they both know it as one way and the opposite and shift back and forth between each one without seeing the contradiction consciously .Hubbard studied this and gradually induces it more and more as his slaves progress in the Scientology thought reform program . His shifting loaded language is specifically designed for this . As one progresses concepts like "clear" , "OT" , "compassion"and "ethical" shift from.having meaning to meaning anything supporting Scientology . The submission and godlike reverence for Hubbard supplant all reason and guide all thoughts , emotions and behavior regarding Scientology . Totalism in action . The study tech indoctrination system is specifically designed to help facilitate this by itself reframing thought and making blind acceptance of Hubbard doctrine the norm . That aspect is covered in Insidious Enslavement : Study Technology .
I hope this brief post helps to shed some more light on how this works .