Friday, June 21, 2024

Scientology Reflections (15) 10 Years After Leaving-Ends and Means

 Scientology Reflections (15) 10 Years After Leaving-Ends and Means

This is the fifteenth post in a series that I am publishing in 2024. The series is on the journey I have been on AFTER leaving Scientology and Dianetics and what my experiences were, and mistakes I made, and things that I learned, some shortly after leaving Scientology and others further along the way, even up to the present day. Some of this involves Scientology and Dianetics. Some involves the process of leaving a cult. Some is just knowledge that I could have benefited from knowing sooner, that may even be unrelated to the cultic topic entirely. 

For anyone who is unaware, I was in Scientology for twenty five years, between 1989 and 2014. I left in 2014 and discovered that Scientology is a harmful fraud and jam packed with lies and further it is composed of techniques plagiarized from other practices and sources. Ronald Hubbard had the ability to take a practice, file off the serial numbers and repackage it as his own in first Dianetics and later Scientology. 

L. Ron Hubbard. “Ron looks to the future with the sea org, ”

 Ronald Hubbard. 

I have recently seen some Scientology critics state that they will use the tactics of Scientology to fight Scientology. They are going to fight fire with fire, they have said. 

OK. That's an option. 

I want to examine this a bit. 

Scientology organizations are allowed to do quite a few things to people.

To understand the excuses Hubbard laid out for the tragi-comic policies he issued you need to, in my opinion, understand some basic Scientology doctrine. In the Way To Happiness Hubbard said not to tell HARMFUL lies, just as he in policy encouraged acceptable truths.

“Do not tell harmful lies.”

Ron Hubbard, The Way to Happiness”

"THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN CONTROL PEOPLE IS TO LIE TO THEM. You can write that down in your book in great big letters. The only way you can control anybody is to lie to them."

Ron Hubbard, "Off the Time Track," lecture of June 1952, excerpted in JOURNAL OF SCIENTOLOGY

issue 18-G, reprinted in TECHNICAL VOLUMES OF DIANETICS & SCIENTOLOGY, vol. 1, p. 418

“Purpose: To train the student to give a false statement with good TR-1. To train the student to outflow false data effectively. … The student should be coached on a gradient until he/she can lie facilely.”

Ron Hubbard, Intelligence Specialist Training Routine—Lying (TR-L)

“Handling truth is a touchy business also. You don’t have to tell everything you know — that would jam the comm line too. Tell an acceptable truth. … So PR becomes the technique of communicating an acceptable truth — and which will attain the desirable result.”

Ron Hubbard, HCOPL 13 August 1970 Issue II PR Series 2, in the Volunteer Minister’s Handbook

“Purpose: To train a PRO to give a ‘no answer’ to questions he has no wish to answer directly. …The trick is to appear to answer the question by giving generalized statements in simple terms so that the reporter doesn’t realize his question hasn’t been answered. … “Purpose: To train a PRO to be able to establish Ethics presence over an SP reporter if the occasion arises, by such things as shouting, banging, pointing, swearing. To do this completely causatively until the poor reporter is ‘caved in’. … “Purpose: To train the PRO to handle an SP reporter by word alone without the use of force as in (a). He uses the word as a rapier and plunges it at the reporter, so that the reporter introverts and drops the question.”

Ron Hubbard, HCOB 10 December 1969,Training Routines”

“Now you say you have to be absolutely truthful. Sincerity is the main thing, and truthfulness is the main thing and don’t lie to anybody …and you’ll get ahead. Brother you sure will. You’ll get ahead right on that cycle of action, right toward zero! It’s a trap not being able to prevaricate … This makes life more colorful!”

Ron Hubbard, Philadelphia Doctorate Course, lecture “How to Talk to friends about Scientology.”

So, if one were to adopt Scientology's own tactics that would include lying! This could make being believed hard! If you say you are adopting Scientology's tactics and you have been saying the Scientology tactics include lying then you have opened up yourself to being considered a liar! Remember this when you have legitimate issues regarding Scientology. They are free to say that you are simply lying and you have put yourself into that category.

The same is true regarding Scientology critics who you criticize! They are free to say that you may be lying, just as Scientology organizations lie. You may be manufacturing evidence, using unethical lawyers, and dirty private investigators to try to frame your opponents. You may be using dishonest police officers and politicians. 

"ENEMY SP Order. Fair game. May be deprived of property or injured by any means by any Scientologist without any discipline of the Scientologist. May be tricked, sued or lied to or destroyed."

Ron Hubbard, Hubbard Communications Office Policy Letter, 18 October 1967

[SP = Suppressive Person a.k.a.critic of Scientology]

"The practice of declaring people FAIR GAME will cease. FAIR GAME may not appear on any Ethics Order. It causes bad public relations. This P/L does not cancel any policy on the treatment or handling of an SP."

Ron Hubbard, Hubbard Communications Office Policy Letter, 21 October 1968, "Cancellation of Fair Game"

"A truly Suppressive Person or group has no rights of any kind and actions taken against them are not punishable." 

Ron Hubbard, Hubbard Communications Office Policy Letter, 1 March 1965, HCO (Division 1)

"Ethics, Suppressive Acts, Suppression of Scientology and


"In any event, any person from 2.0 down on the Tone Scale should not have, in any thinking society, any civil rights of any kind, because by abusing those rights he brings into being arduous and strenuous laws which are oppressive to those who need no such restraints."

Ron Hubbard, SCIENCE OFSURVIVAL, 1989 Ed., p. 145 [The "Tone Scale" is Scientology’s measure of mental and spiritual health.]

"There are only two answers for the handling of people from 2.0 down on the Tone Scale, neither one of which has anything to do with reasoning with them or listening to their justification of their acts. The first is to raise them on the Tone Scale by un-enturbulating some of their theta by any one of the three valid processes. The other is to dispose of them quietly and without sorrow."

Ron Hubbard, SCIENCE OF SURVIVAL, p. 170

"The sudden and abrupt deletion of all individuals occupying the lower bands of the Tone Scale from the social order would result in an almost instant rise in the cultural tone and would interrupt the dwindling spiral into which any society may have entered."

Ron Hubbard, SCIENCE OF SURVIVAL, p. 170

"A Venezuelan dictator once decided to stop leprosy. He saw that most lepers in his country were also beggars. By the simple expedient of collecting and destroying all the beggars in Venezuela an end was put to leprosy in that country."

Ron Hubbard, SCIENCE OF SURVIVAL, p. 171

"Unfortunately, it is all too often true that suppressors to a creative action must be removed before construction and creation takes place. Any person very high on the Tone Scale may level destruction toward a suppressor."

Ron Hubbard, SCIENCE OF SURVIVAL, p. 159

So, within Hubbard's framework Scientology should decide what is legal, Scientology can remove quietly and without sorrow anyone that criticizes it, or Hubbard. Scientology can lie at anytime to control people and his enemies have no rights whatsoever.

 So, of course as they have no rights and asking for a refund is seen as suppressive, they have no rights to receive any refund. But it is fair in Scientology to deny rights to and lie to a person with no rights ! Simple really.

So, if you declare that you are using Scientology tactics it's something you are perfectly free to do, I think that you need to understand the full meaning of that statement. You are declaring yourself ruthless, dishonest, unethical and willing to lie, cheat, steal, break the law and dispose of your enemies quietly and without sorrow. 

You should expect people to treat you as if you are a Scientology organization or operative, because you have declared that you will use their means to achieve your ends. 

If you are lying to, cheating, robbing or destroying people then what difference should they see between you and Scientology? 

And why should they ever trust you?

A lot of Scientology critics say they don't care what people think. OK. If you adopt this position of using Scientology tactics then people won't believe you are honest or trustworthy and you are likely to want people to believe you at some point, whether it's when you make YouTube videos or go to the press or police or when Scientology complains about you to the police.

What can a critic who no one trusts or believes accomplish? 

I guess you can have a public image as good as the one Scientology has.

Here's a link to my blog archive by topic:

Scientology Reflections (15) 10 Years After Leaving-Ends and Means

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Scientology Reflections (14) 10 Years After Leaving-God in Hubbard's Eyes

Scientology Reflections (14) 10 Years After Leaving-God in Hubbard's Eyes

This is the fourteenth post in a series that I am publishing in 2024. The series is on the journey I have been on AFTER leaving Scientology and Dianetics and what my experiences were, and mistakes I made, and things that I learned, some shortly after leaving Scientology and others further along the way, even up to the present day. Some of this involves Scientology and Dianetics. Some involves the process of leaving a cult. Some is just knowledge that I could have benefited from knowing sooner, that may even be unrelated to the cultic topic entirely. 

For anyone who is unaware, I was in Scientology for twenty five years, between 1989 and 2014. I left in 2014 and discovered that Scientology is a harmful fraud and jam packed with lies and further it is composed of techniques plagiarized from other practices and sources. Ronald Hubbard had the ability to take a practice, file off the serial numbers and repackage it as his own in first Dianetics and later Scientology. 

L. Ron Hubbard. “Ron looks to the future with the sea org, ”

 Ronald Hubbard. 

To understand the mind of Scientology founder Ronald Hubbard I believe his affirmations are crucial. Affirmations in this context are private self-hypnosis commands he may have used repeatedly for years or decades. 

I call his affirmations the Rosetta Stone of Scientology. After reading Never Believe a Hypnotist by Jon Atack and studying hypnosis for some time and numerous references by Hubbard on hypnosis I realized the affirmations are the closest look into the mind of Hubbard we are likely to ever find. 

What could be a more genuine look into the mind of a man than a series of commands which he wrote for the purpose of hypnotizing his own mind over and over and over thousands of times to reshape his own mind? 

The affirmations are called admissions by people often as well, since they are admissions of the innermost thoughts and desires of Ronald Hubbard. 

Excerpts from 

A Psychiatric View With Comments On The Admissions By Lafayette Ronald Hubbard (1947)

Scientology Doctrine and the Words of Ronald Hubbard

excerpts below by Ronald Hubbard

LRH: The purpose of this experiment is to re-establish the ambition, willpower, desire to survive, the talent and confidence of myself.

LRH: By eliminating certain fears by hypnosis, curing my rheumatism and laying off hormones, I hope to restore my former libido. I must! By hypnosis I must be convinced as follows:

(o) That I believe in my gods and spiritual things.

(w) That this hypnosis will not fade, but will increase in power as time advances.
(x) That my magical work is powerful and effective.

(a1) That I will not forget these things but will enjoin them with all related ideas as more powerful than any other ideas in my head.

(d1) That I see and hear Raon clearly.

LRH:Your psychology is good. You worked to darken your own children. This failure, with them, was only apparent. The evident lack of effectiveness was "ordered." The same psychology works perfectly on everyone else. You use it with great confidence.

Nothing can intervene between you and your Guardian. She cannot be displaced because she is too powerful. She does not control you. She advises you. You may or may not take the advice. You are an adept and have a wonderful and brilliant mind of your own.

LRH: You have magnificent power but you are humble and calm and patient in that power. For you control all forces under you as you wish. The strength of your Guardian aids you always and can never depart or be repelled. Your faith in her and in God is unswerveable, blind, powerful and you never, never doubt their good intent toward you. They work with you. You help them exert their plans. They have faith unbounded in you.

LRH: Material things are yours for the asking. Men are your slaves. Elemental spirits are your slaves. You are power among powers, light in the darkness, beauty in all.

LRH: You are not sleepy or tired ever. You do not sleep unless you will it consciously. Sleep to you is a deep trance. Nothing can touch you in that trance because it would not dare. Your Guardian alone can talk to you as you sleep but she may not hypnotize you. Only you can hypnotize yourself.

LRH: Your psychology is advanced and true and wonderful. It hypnotizes people. It predicts their emotions, for you are their ruler.

LRH: You have no doubts about God. You never speculate about him. You are assured that whatever you do is right in his eyes. Your faith is so strong you could move mountains. You have deep trust and faith in God and have no fear of what he may do to you and your friends. He will never punish you. Some day you will merge with him and become part of the All when his bidding you have finished in these lives.

You never speak ill of another because you are too powerful and may curse them. You love everyone. Even when you use force on people, you cannot hate them. You have no hate or jealousy in you. You are not in contest with anyone. God and your Guardian and your own power bring destruction on those who would injure you. But you never speak of this for you are kind. A sphere of light, invisible to others, surrounds you as a protecting globe. All forces bounce away from you off this.

LRH: The most thrilling thing in your life is your love and consciousness of your Guardian. She materializes for you. You have no doubts of her. She is real. She is always with you. You love her very much. You trust her. You see and hear her. She is not your master. You have a mighty spiritual will of your own. She is an advisor and as such is respected by you. She is wise and worthy and never changes shape. Your faith in her as in God is blind and unshaken ever.

LRH: Anything you were told about religion as a child you can forget or recall. It does not affect your present mighty faith.

LRH: You need never expose or betray any secret God or your Guardian wants kept. You can be trusted with vast knowledge and never give it away or use it with express authority. What you know is riches. When you give away all you know, you are poor. You can give out exactly as much as God desires people to know.

LRH: You believe implicitly in God. You have no doubts of the All Powerful.

LRH: You are in perfect harmony with the All Knowing.

 LRH: You are safe in the control over you of God. He is master of destiny and what he does must be.

You are in control under God of the material objects and beings around you.

LRH:  You can will a fact into being with ease. 

LRH: Your league with Higher Beings, your mighty Guardian and the All Powerful, renders you beyond all human criticism.

LRH: You are eternal. You are satisfied to live within God. Human death is not your death. You will never die.

LRH: You have and will live forever. You are part of God. You are the crown prince of your small section of the Universe.

End of excerpts

Ronald Hubbard clearly was a believer in God. He was extremely concerned about God and his relationship with God. He mentioned God at least a dozen times in his affirmations and mentioned spirits numerous times as well as his Guardian. His Guardian apparently was a red haired women (or goddess) that has been identified as Diana, Artemis, The Empress, Isis, Hathor, and a variety of other terms.

Perhaps the best explanation regarding The Guardian and Hubbard's perception of her is in an article by Jon Atack on the issue:

Hubbard and the Occult
Jon Atack

The Blood Ritual is an invokation of the Egyptian goddess Hathor, performed by Hubbard during the late 1940s. As the name suggests, the ritual involved the use of blood. Hubbard mingled his own blood with that of his then wife (the girlfriend he had stolen from Parsons and with whom Hubbard contracted a bigamous marriage).

In a 1952 Scientology lecture, Hubbard referred to "Aleister Crowley, my very good friend" (026). In fact, the two black magicians never met, and Crowley expressed a very low opinion of the man who he saw had tricked his disciple Jack Parsons. Even so, Hubbard had a very positive regard for Crowley, calling his work "fascinating" (027) and recommending one of his books to Scientologists. Having referred to Crowley as "The Beast 666", Hubbard said that he had "picked a level of religious worship which is very interesting" (028). He also made it clear that he had read the fundamental text of the Crowley teaching, The Book of the Law (029).

In his 1952 lectures, Hubbard also referred to the Tarot cards, saying that they were not simply a system of divination but a "philosophical machine". He gave particular mention to the Fool card, saying "The Fool of course is the wisest of all. The Fool who goes down the road with the alligators barking at his heels, and the dogs yapping at him, blindfolded on his way, he knows all there is to know and does nothing about it ... nothing could touch him" (030).

The only Tarot pack which has an alligator on the Fool card is Crowley's (031). When I interviewed Gerald Armstrong, Hubbard's archivist, in 1984, he told me of a Hubbard "scale" dating from the 1940s. At the base of the scale was the word "animals". It then ascended through "labourers, farmers, financiers, fanatics" and "the Fool" to "God". Hubbard seems to have seen himself as the Fool and was perhaps trying to create a trampoline of fanatics through whom he could achieve divinity. Indeed, if Scientology could live up to its claims, then Hubbard would be a "godmaker".

Of course, the Tarot pack also contains the Empress card and knowing this it is finally possible to understand what Hubbard believed his Guardian Angel to be.

Crowely examined the Tarot in The Book of Thoth (032). Of the Empress card he said "She combines the highest spiritual with the lowest material qualities" (033). Crowley identifies the Empress as the "Great Mother", and indeed on her robe are bees (034), the traditional symbol of Cybele. Crowley is not alone in the belief that different cultures give different names to the same deities. The worship of Cybele goes back to at least 3,000 B.C. She entered Greek culture as Artemis and to the Romans was Diana, the huntress. Crowley also identified the Empress with the Hindu goddess Shakti (035), and the Egyptian goddesses Isis and Hathor. Crowley directly identified Isis with Diana (036). More usually, Crowley called the Empress by the name Babalon (037).

Contemporary New Age groups see the Great Mother in the aspect of Gaia the Earth Mother. This is far from Crowley's view. Diana, the patroness of witchcraft (038) was seen by Hubbard rather through the eyes of Crowley than as a benevolent, loving mother. Hubbard made no reference for example to Robert Graves' White Goddess, but only to Crowley and peripherally to Frazer's Golden Bough and Gibbon's Decline and Fall, both of which give reference to the cult of Diana. To Crowley the Great Mother, Babalon, is, of course, also the antichrist.

While Crowley's path was submission to the Empress, Hubbard seems to have tried to dominate the same force, bringing it into being as a servile homunculus. Hubbard's eldest son, although a questionable witness, was insistent that his father taught him magic and privately referred to the goddess as Hathor. The Blood Ritual confirms this assertion if nothing else.

Publicly, Hubbard was taken with the Roman name of the goddess, Diana, giving it to one of his daughters and also to one of his Scientology Sea Organization boats. Curiously, this boat had been renamed from The Enchanter and before Scientology he had owned another called The Magician. Hubbard had also used Jack Parsons' money to buy a yacht called Diane (039). "Dianetics" may also be a reference to Diana. Shortly before its inception, another former US Navy officer and practitioner of the VIIIth degree of the Ordo Templi Orientis had formed a group called Dianism (040).

From Hubbard and The Occult by Jon Atack

(End of excerpt, footnotes in original article)

To get the best resource on Scientology I recommend the book, Let's Sell These People A Piece of Blue Sky by Jon Atack

I wanted the mention of God at least a dozen times in his affirmations to demonstrate that Hubbard believed in God and further was conflicted about his relationship with God. I believe it is extremely unlikely he didn't believe in God. Why would one hypnotize himself many, many times regarding God and try to convince himself that he has a good relationship with God in numerous ways if he didn't believe or care?

I also wanted to expose and explain his belief regarding his Guardian spirit as a red headed women that he may have seen via a genuine hallucination to show that Hubbard had some degree of belief in spirits and the occult despite what anyone has said or written. 

The fact that Hubbard rarely mentioned God in Dianetics and Scientology is not surprising.

I recall a lecture that Hubbard gave many years ago, perhaps in the fifties or sixties which was filmed, it may have been at a Clearing Congress and Hubbard mentioned that people ask him about some topics, the human mind and his ideas about it. If I recall correctly Hubbard said, "Oh yes, I have a lot of ideas about the human mind but that's not Scientology!" I am paraphrasing here. 

He laughed and the audience of Scientology cult members laughed.

It took me a very long time, over twenty five years to realize that he meant that he had ideas about the human mind and how it works and he presented the ideas in Scientology and these two groups of ideas were different, because he was not telling his true beliefs about the mind in Scientology doctrine, because Scientology doctrine is designed to manipulate people and enslave them, not to inform them. 

I hope that the exposure of Hubbard's beliefs regarding God and his Guardian as hidden from his followers shows that he was misleading them the entire time. I won't say he NEVER believed in any of the ideas in Scientology and Dianetics, because we can see some overlap with his affirmations and private letters and communications BUT he definitely wasn't completely honest about his beliefs with his followers as he hid some of his most important beliefs from them.

He also hid the hypnotic techniques used to create Dianetics and Scientology and his knowledge that these techniques increased dependence in his followers and decreased independent and critical thinking in them as well. He used a perfect combination for mentally enslaving his followers. This was his goal as described in his affirmations and his use of hypnosis with his "psychology" was also revealed. 

Here's a link to my blog archive by topic:

Scientology Reflections (14) 10 Years After Leaving-God in Hubbard's Eyes

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Scientology Reflections (13) 10 Years After Leaving-Hypnosis in Scientology

Scientology Reflections (13) 10 Years After Leaving-Hypnosis in Scientology

This is the thirteenth post in a series that I am publishing in 2024. The series is on the journey I have been on AFTER leaving Scientology and Dianetics and what my experiences were, and mistakes I made, and things that I learned, some shortly after leaving Scientology and others further along the way, even up to the present day. Some of this involves Scientology and Dianetics. Some involves the process of leaving a cult. Some is just knowledge that I could have benefited from knowing sooner, that may even be unrelated to the cultic topic entirely. 

For anyone who is unaware, I was in Scientology for twenty five years, between 1989 and 2014. I left in 2014 and discovered that Scientology is a harmful fraud and jam packed with lies and further it is composed of techniques plagiarized from other practices and sources. Ronald Hubbard had the ability to take a practice, file off the serial numbers and repackage it as his own in first Dianetics and later Scientology. 

L. Ron Hubbard. “Ron looks to the future with the sea org, ”

 Ronald Hubbard. 

(Please note: this was originally a comment in response to a comment regarding the mind of Scientology founder Ronald Hubbard at Mike Rinder's blog on the post Why the Expensive Scientology Buildings?

June 7, 2024 By Mike Rinder)

I have long run into ex Scientologists and Independent Scientologists who insist that either Scientology is not hypnotic or that they avoided hypnotizing people somehow. Some have claimed their intention to not hypnotize made it so that techniques that hypnotize people routinely didn't do that when they applied them because of...reasons...

I have frankly found the same thing to be true every time. I would ask them about methods of hypnotic induction and other basic questions on the subject and they have had no answers at all. The sad reality is that every single ex Scientologist or ex cult member or cult expert that I have encountered that actually studied hypnosis to any significant degree all have agreed that the techniques in Dianetics and Scientology are hypnotic. One hundred percent.

I remember in the first couple of years after I left Scientology going into online groups that were for students of hypnosis and they adamantly agreed that Dianetics and Scientology are obviously chock full of hypnosis and that the most raw of new students to the subject could see this as the very most basic concepts and phenomena of hypnosis are present and front and center.

They used numerous terms regarding hypnotic techniques and language patterns and in my opinion a lot of these are various ways to describe or attempt the basic techniques and they vary in how one tries to get the result. The example of repetition and repetition-with-variation as two methods that are based on the same idea (repetition) shows two similar but different methods.

Many of the hypnotic language patterns have various names and they encourage the use of different techniques but often come down to variation of the same technique (confusion.)

I had to read quite a bit and watch numerous short videos on the particular techniques to understand them.

The gradual process of finding statements on the subject then deciphering the details of exactly what steps are taken is not short or easy. One might have to devote a hundred hours or so to studying hypnosis to begin to have enough education to examine Dianetics and Scientology and form an educated opinion on the presence or lack thereof of hypnosis in these subjects.

Plainly, you have to understand hypnosis far more than an uneducated layman to be able to even look for it.

The "education" one gets regarding hypnosis in Dianetics and Scientology is inconsistent, contradictory, and in my opinion a combination of truths, half truths, and flat out lies. 

Hubbard said many things that are denied by Hubbard and this is spread all throughout Dianetics and Scientology and since nothing is ever cancelled in Scientology doctrine the Scientology student is left utterly confused by his inconsistent and often irreconcilable statements regarding hypnosis.

(Some things ARE cancelled in Scientology, but they are not old ideas that Hubbard claimed as his own, they are ideas that are described as coming from other people, in other words Hubbard himself didn't classify ideas he put out as being his creations as outdated)

Jon Atack in his article Never Believe A Hypnotist made the case quite thoroughly and in my opinion convincingly. 

I wrote my own article quoting his article and using the words of Hubbard himself to support his points.

I will put my article at the end of this.

I have written many, many other posts using specific quotes from Hubbard to demonstrate that he described Dianetics and Scientology as being based on hypnosis and hypnotic in nature.

Additionally, I have seen hypnotic techniques taken verbatim from books on hypnosis and used in Scientology and Arnie Lerma has documented this at his blog and Steve Hassan has studied hypnosis and made his own statement that this is his observation as well.

Arnie Lerma went through the trouble of finding old books on hypnosis and copying the pages next to pages that have Scientology auditing techniques and the commands are identical in several cases.

I think the unavoidable reality is that the evidence that Dianetics and Scientology are hypnotic in nature is overwhelming.

I think that auditors being careful to not use hypnosis is, well, not plausible. I mean they can be careful, but I think that they are unlikely to prevent hypnotic techniques from being hypnotic and that they frankly don't understand hypnosis, certainly not if they relied on Scientology doctrine exclusively  to explain it.

Auditors were given such contradictory information on hypnosis and so much was lies that I think that they are far more confused on the subject than educated.

I do not believe "intention is cause" as Hubbard claimed. I think that hypnosis is a process with components and steps. When you "process" someone as Hubbard described you have the auditor follow steps to change a person and the person gets changed by these steps which are hypnotic, if the process is successful.

Hubbard noted that hypnosis had this wild variable. It worked sometimes and it didn't work at other times. It worked on some people but not on others. A technique might work on a fellow one day but not another. A technique might work on a person for so many hours then not, another might work for hundreds of hours on a subject. 

This makes it so that some people, like myself, entered hypnotic trances while undergoing auditing or the use of other Scientology techniques such as study tech, for example.

Some people didn't ever get hypnotized.

Every school of hypnosis that I have seen agrees on the idea that some people are easy to hypnotize, some people are harder to hypnotize and some people apparently are impossible to hypnotize.

Laymen often believe myths about intelligence, sanity, strength of will, or other factors deciding who is capable of being hypnotized. I think that those ideas are flat out wrong.

I think that the truth is we don't know what is the reason that people are easy, hard, or impossible to hypnotize and we might never know. 

I think that for anyone trying to understand cults and Scientology in particular a significant degree of education regarding hypnosis is absolutely essential.

You may agree or disagree with me regarding Scientology being hypnotic but I think that if you don't take the time to examine hypnosis at length for yourself you can't understand what you are even saying regarding the subject. 

Ex Scientologists have the experiences they had and usually a vast amount of Scientology experiences to draw upon but in my opinion education on undue influence, what people routinely call brainwashing, and hypnosis and the true history of Scientology and Hubbard is necessary to be able to form an educated opinion on Scientology, no matter how long one was in or how much Scientology one practiced.

Here's a link to my blog archive by topic:

Here are several posts that are referred to in this post or that elaborate on the points raised here.

A Psychiatric View With Comments On The Admissions...

TUESDAY, JULY 23, 2019

Scientology as Described by Experts - Jon Atack

Scientology has been described as based on hypnosis by many Scientology experts. Now, this is not a statement that these people are infallible authorities or that their consensus or near consensus on Scientology and hypnosis is beyond questioning or absolute proof. I hope that people take these statements as reason to consider that they might be correct and it is worth serious examination of the evidence for a claim when you have a consensus or near consensus by a variety of experts on a topic. They are not automatically right but the claim they make is worth looking at.

I am going to start with the person I consider the top living Scientology expert - Jon Atack. Jon Atack has studied influence for around thirty years and written several books on influence and one on Scientology and numerous articles as well.

I am going to quote his article Never Believe A Hypnotist. This article is available in full online.

"Hubbard was ambiguous about suggestion: "We never give positive suggestions” (R&D1, p.48); but "you are putting in positive suggestion whether you want to or not, no matter how careful you are” (R&D1, p.336)."

 "As well as showing genuine insight into hypnosis, Hubbard's statements are a fascinating maze of contradiction and misdirection. It soon becomes apparent that Hubbard is both eager to show off his knowledge and determined to hide something vital: that Dianetics is a form of hypnosis.

Prolonged and deliberate study of Hubbard's teachings makes it impossible to escape the conclusion that Dianetics is a form of hypnosis, differing only from that subject in the words used to describe the procedures. Hubbard's own Policy Letter "Propaganda by Redefinition of Words” (PR series 12) gives some understanding of the sigificance of redefinition (something Hubbard was frequently prone to, "reasonable” and "postulate”, for instance). "

 "The current Hubbard Dianetics Auditor Course seeks to re-establish Dianetic "auditing” as it was performed at its inception in 1950 (see The Hubbard Dianetics Auditor Course or The Hubbard Dianetics Seminar)."

 "In his second article, Hubbard admitted "I knew hypnotism was, more or less, a fundamental” (EoS, p.22) and said that "hypnosis was examined” (ibid, p.23; see also EoS, p.96; R&D1, p.183). Hubbard also claimed to have used "hypno-analysis” (EoS, p.24) - psychoanalysis practised on a hypnotised subject - and recommended a book on the subject (Hypnotism Comes of Age, R&D2, p.12)."

 "Hypnotism "reduces self-determinism by interposing the commands of another below the analytical level of an individual's mind ... It is the sort of control mechanism in which an authoritarian individual, cult, or ideology delight. People who indulge in hypnotism may, only very occasionally, be interested in experimentation upon the human mind ... Genuine experimental hypnotism, strictly in the laboratory and never in the parlour, and done wholly in the knowledge that one is reducing the efficiency of the human being on whom one is experimenting and may do him permanent damage, and the use of hypnotism by a surgeon ... should end the extension of hypnotism into the society. Submission to being hypnotized is analagous to being raped, with the exception that the individual can, generally, recover from being raped. To any clear-thinking human who believes in the value of people as human beings, there is something gruesomely obscene about hypnotism. The interjection of unseen controls below the level of consciousness cannot benefit but can only pervert the mind ... The individual who would permit himself to be hypnotized is, frankly, a fool ... It was thought by hypnotists that the mere remembering of ... suggestions would relieve them, and that the power of the suggestion died out with time. These two ideas do not happen to be true” (SOSII, p.220f; see also pp.225f). "

 "Hypnosis defined:

According to Hubbard, hypnosis is a relatively simple mechanism, "By deep trance or drugs we take a patient into amnesia trance, a state of being wherein the 'I' is not in control but the operator is the 'I' (and that's all there is, really, to the function of hypnosis: the transfer of analytical power through the law of affinity from subject to operator, a thing which had a racial development and survival value in animals which ran in packs).” (DMSMH, p.94)."

 "Hubbard gave various descriptions of hypnotism, for example: "Hypnotism is the entering of the hypnotist's personality and desires below the choice level of the individual.” (SOSI, p.16); and "Hypnotism is the art of implanting positive suggestions in the engram bank.” (DMSMH, p.384). By the time Science of Survival was published, in June 1951, Hubbard asserted that "Hypnotism never has and never will raise an individual on the [emotional] tone scale” (SOSI, p.161)."

 "Positive suggestion:

Hubbard made various assertions about suggestion: "positive suggestion means in hypnosis a suggestion which is given to a hypnotized subject which will result in some change in the manifestations and actions of that patient” (R&D 1, p.48); "It is a suggestion by the operator to a hypnotized subject with the sole end of creating a changed mental condition in the subject by implantation of the suggestion alone. It is a transplantation of something in the hypnotist's mind into the patient's mind. The patient is then to believe it and take it as part of himself.” (R&D 1, p.237; see also R&D 1, p.33); "Shut down the person's analyzer [the 'analytical mind' of dianetic hypnosis] and what follows goes in as positive suggestion just as though he were hypnotized. He cannot reason on this data, he can only react, and he reacts as dictated by the engram.” (R&D 3, p.244). Hypnotic suggestion is very powerful: "No matter how foolish a suggestion is given to a subject under hypnosis, he will carry it out one way or another ... Any suggestion will operate within his mind unbeknownst to his higher levels of awareness. Very complex suggestions can be given” (DMSMH, p.56). Hubbard went on to say that neuroses, psychoses, compulsions and repressions can all be perfectly imitated through positive suggestion."

 "According to Hubbard, trance states are common, and can even be induced through the normal procedures of education: "In altitude teaching, somebody is a 'great authority.' He is probably teaching some subject that is far more complex than it should be. He has become defensive down through the years, and this is a sort of protective coating that he puts up, along with the idea that the subject will always be a little better known by him than by anybody else and that there are things to know in this subject which he really wouldn't let anybody else in on. This is altitude instruction.” As an aside, it is worth mentioning that Hubbard was later to assert that every major tenet in Scientology and Dianetics was his exclusive discovery (see HCOPL "Keeping Scientology Working”, February 1965). Hubbard continued, "And in order to get people to sit very alertly and do exactly what he says, he has another trick: he gives them examinations ... So there is this anxiety around a person's grades, and this comes forward until he finally gets up to a point in education where when somebody says the word examination to him it not only push-buttons him but it also threatens Mama, Papa, love and general survival. It is a terrific whip. It keeps people in a state of confusion, and when their minds are slightly confused they are in a hypnotic trance. Any time anybody gets enough altitude he can be called a hypnotic operator, and what he says will act as hypnotic suggestion. Hypnotism is a difference in levels of altitude. There are ways to create and lower the altitude of the subject, but if the operator can heighten his own altitude with regard to the subject the same way, he doesn't have to put the subject to sleep. What he says will still react as hypnotic suggestion.” (R&D 4, p.324; see also R&D 3, pp. 246 & 248). This is a point which should be considered long and hard by anyone who has been involved with Dianetics or Scientology. "

 "Trance in Dianetics:

Hubbard was also aware of the signs of trance: "a pre-clear after he closes his eyes will begin to flutter his eyelids. This a symptom of the very lightest level of hypnotic trance.” (SOS II, p.227); "A simple test is to watch the person's eyeballs. You will find as he lies there that the eyeballs under the closed eyelids will hunt back and forth. You can see the bump of them on the eyelids, and they will be wandering ... the hunting indicates a hypnotic state.” (R&D 1, p.336); "The eye moving underneath the eyelid is the indication of when a person is lightly or deeply tranced. That is the second stage of which the fluttering eyelid is the first.” (R&D 3, p.94); "The preclear's eyes will roll a little bit under the lids and when he returns, particularly, the eyelashes will flutter, which tells you immediately that he has become more suggestible than he ordinarily would be.” (ibid); "Sometimes you will notice a tremble on the eyelids. This means the preclear has deepened his sense of sleep and has left some of his attention units somewhere. This is a very early stage of hypnosis. Be careful of such a patient.” (R&D 4, p.38).The current use of the Hubbard Dianetics Auditor Course and the Hubbard Dianetics Seminar is in total contradiction to these admonitions. By returning to the 1950 method, Scientology has returned to direct trance induction. Both of these courses give: "When the preclear's eyes close and you notice his eyelids flicker, finish counting...” (p.54 and p.42 respectively, step two).

These are not the only signs: "If the person begins to answer you literally ... that means your preclear is now a hypnotic subject and you are running him in hypnosis.” (R&D 3, p.94; see also R&D 1, p.336). These prohibitions form no part of any auditor training course known to this author."

 "Use of hypnotism in auditing:

The auditor "must be prepared to use hypnotism, he must know how it works, what he should do to make it function, how to regress a person in hypnotism and so on, which is definitely very different from Dianetics in that one produces a trance.” (R&D 1, p.307)."

 "After Dianetics: MSMH was published, Hubbard withdrew the system of counting the preclear into reverie: "Sometimes people go into a hypnotic trance by accident with this count system ... so at the Foundation we no longer use it.” (R&D 3, p.15; see also R&D 4, p.37; DMSMH, p.201). Unfortunately, this advice is ignored in the current Hubbard Dianetics Auditor Course, auditing reverts entirely to Dianetics: MSMH, so by Hubbard's own statement, the Church of Scientology is using a hypnotic induction as standard procedure ("Count slowly and soothingly from 1 to 7”, just prior to the flickering of the eyelids already mentioned. Hubbard Dianetics Auditor Course, p.54, Hubbard Dianetics Seminar, p.42, step two). Hubbard was perfectly aware that counting out loud is a method of hypnotic induction (DMSMH, p.123)."

 "Having said that fluttering of the eyelids is indicative of trance (see above), Hubbard gave the following instructions for inducing reverie: "The patient is made to lie down and shut his eyes. The operator begins to count. He suggests the patient relax. At length the patient's eyelids will flutter (Medicine drumming will also accomplish this without producing a harmful amnesia hypnotic state.) He is permitted to relax further. Then the operator tells him that his 'motor strip' (his sensory perceptions [sic]) is returning to a time of unconsciousness ... With coaxing the patient will begin to feel the injury and sense himself in the location and time of the accident.” (R&D 1, p.8). This statment, which comes from Hubbard's first published article on Dianetics, shows an interesting choice of words - the auditor is called the "operator”, he "suggests” that the preclear relax into a state which is not a "harmful amnesia hypnotic state” (which does not rule out light trance, or even "harmless” amnesia), and the engram is found through "coaxing”."

 "In lectures given in 1950, Hubbard recommended three books on hypnotism to his followers: "Anyone in doubt as to how hypnotism works need only consult the authoritative books on the subject by Estabrooks [George Hoben Estabrooks, Hypnotism]. In fact, this is recommended as a means of proving that Dianetics and hypnotism are total strangers.” (R&D 4, p.345); "There is a little book by a man by the name of Young written about 1899, which contains in it about as much hypnosis as one ever wants. It is called Twenty-Five Lessons in Hypnosis ... Practically everything in that book works, and clairvoyance, mesmerism and so forth are also delineated” (R&D 1, p.307); the third, and most significant, work recommended is Wolfe and Rosenthal's Hypnotism Comes of Age(R&D2, p.12)."

 "Despite protestations that hypnotism and Dianetics are "total strangers”, Hubbard several times advocated the use of hypnotism alongside Dianetics: "it is even allowable to use actual hypnosis if it is possible to procure any results from it. So hypnosis has some value, but it has value only to a professional auditor ... If he can spill emotion in deep trance or even in narcosynthesis, he has achieved a gain on the case. This is for a very special tough type of case” (R&D 1, p.182). Hypnosis and Dianetics are not the only approaches "Faith healing, when not practiced on the hypnotic level of 'This is not going to hurt you any more', has ingredients that you can use.” (R&D 1, p.186).

Auditors do need to be aware of hypnotism: "it is quite usual for the auditor to have to exhaust hypnotically implanted material received either from some hypnotist or from the analytical mind itself when the person has been operating under auto-control [sic].” (DOT, p.69). Also, "It is pertinent to diagnosis whether or not the preclear is highly suggestible or can be hypnotized” (SOS II, p.220). Further, "understanding the mechanism of post-hypnotic suggestion can aid an understanding of aberration.” (DMSMH, p.56); "The next thing an auditor should know well is the effect of hypnotism and drugs, and he should have observed this actually.” (R&D 1, p.307). The auditor should be aware of hypnotism, because, as already cited, "hypnotism is very common in this society” (R&D 1, p.24)."

 "Unfortunately, auditors share an ignorance of hypnotism with the general populace and simply parrot Hubbard's calming assurance that "auditing is not a form of hypnosis” or that "auditing removes hypnosis”. Despite their implanted obsession with the meaning of words, Scientologists are largely unable to define the "hypnosis” which auditing supposedly removes. They believe it to be drowsiness or lack of awareness, rather than the heightened state known to hypnotic subjects and touched upon by Hubbard in Dianetics: MSMH: "By suggestion the power of hearing can be tuned down or up so that a person is nearly deaf or can hear pins fall at a great distance”. Most usually, hypnotic trance is a state of heightened awareness which excludes certain perceptions. It is a highly focussed state, often accompanied by a sensation that "the colours in the room are brighter”, as well as spatial dissociation (called "exteriorization” by Scientologists and "depersonalization” by psychiatrists)."


Hubbard was ambiguous about suggestion: "We never give positive suggestions” (R&D1, p.48); but "you are putting in positive suggestion whether you want to or not, no matter how careful you are” (R&D1, p.336)."

 "Hubbard added "A motto one could use is 'Never believe a hypnotist'" (SOS II, p.228). "

References:NB: page numbers vary in later editions, and some material may have been censored from these editions.

Astounding Science Fiction, May 1950.

Atack, Jon - A Piece of Blue Sky, Lyle Stuart books, 1990.

Freud, Sigmund - the Clarke Lectures in Two Short Accounts of Psycho-Analysis, Penguin books.

Hubbard, L.Ronald, Dianetics - the Modern Science of Mental Health, Hermitage House, 1950; later editions until the 1985 Bridge edition have identical page numbering.

- Dianetics the Evolution of a Science, 1950; AOSH DK Publications, Denmark, 1972.

- Dianetics the Original Thesis, 1951; Scientology Publications Organization, Denmark, 1970.

- Hubbard Dianetics Auditor Course, Bridge, L.A., 1988

- Hubbard Dianetics Seminar, Bridge, L.A., 1988

- Research and Discovery Series:

volume 1, lectures June 1950; Bridge, 1980.

volume 2, lectures July - August 1950; Bridge, 1982.

volume 3, lectures 10 August-8 September, 1950; Bridge, 1982.

volume 4, lectures 23 September-15 November 1950; Bridge, 1982 .

- Science of Survival, 1951; Hubbard College of Scientology, 1967.

- The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology, 1979.

Miller, Russell - Bare-Faced Messiah, Henry Holt, NY or 1987.

Wolfe, Bernard and Rosenthal, Raymond - Hypnotism Comes of Age, Blue Ribbon Books, NY, 1949.

Young, L.E. - 25 Lessons in Hypnotism, Padell Book Co, NY, 1944.

abbreviations used in the text:

AstSF - Astounding Science Fiction, May 1950

DMSMH - Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health

DTOT - Dianetics the Original Thesis

EoS - Dianetics the Evolution of a Science

R&D - Research and Discovery, followed by volume number

SOS - Science of Survival, followed by volume I or II

Scientology Reflections (13) 10 Years After Leaving-Hypnosis in Scientology