Saturday, January 2, 2021

Why are there strange conspiracies about actors and other high up people being "reptilians"?


Why are there strange conspiracies about actors and other high up people being "reptilians"?

I am not an expert on this subject. That being said, I believe the top promoter of the reptilian conspiracy theory is probably David Icke.

His critics have pointed out that a very large percentage of his ideas are virtually identical to various global cabal conspiracy theories that are anti-Semitic and he has just shifted from blaming Jews and calling them an evil inhuman race to calling shape shifters from a different dimension the villains as either a coded way to promote anti-Semitism. In some countries openly anti-Semitic content will be banned or treated as the hateful ideology it is, meaning most people outright reject it.

So, whether his motivation is plagiarism involving the ideas of others or a genuine support of anti-Semitic beliefs, he is just recycling the false claims that have been made about Jews for centuries.

I think white supremacists will promote his ideas as a sort of gateway to their beliefs, with some people who buy into them making the next step and joining the white supremacists or at least being open to the same beliefs.

It may sound odd but I have discovered personally that many (not all) people who are flat earthers are also holocaust deniers and they start out as flat earthers then graduate to holocaust denial and anti-Semitic beliefs.

So, David Icke for whatever reason has promoted a conspiracy theory that is highly conducive to getting believers to take the next step and become anti-Semitic in their general beliefs.

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