Gibs Great Find - Rhetoric
Gib ( a poster at ESMB the Ex Scientologist Message Board) has showed me and many others something I only recently realized the full significance of and feel warrants its own thread .
He showed that Hubbard both studied rhetoric and sent a letter to Dean Wilbur who literally wrote the book on it a very telling letter about it.
Records show Hubbard was a student of the Dean who specialized in this subject .
The pertinent quote is :Do not allow this to upset you in any way. Put it down that I am a rebel, a nonconformist, anything. Some of these days I am going to set down these things in a book, and your rhetoric, very battered now, will be open on the desk beside me when I write it. L Ron Hubbard
The entire letter is at :
Now , there are several reasons this is important to me . I knew form his own affirmations and many tapes and HCOBs that Hubbard made a long study and practice of hypnotism for many years. Of this I have no doubt. But Gib showed in making his insane cult doctrine there was another element Hubbard knew well and incorporated intentionally all along .
Rhetoric , and specifically in the form the Dean taught . Here is a small collection of quotes from a very simple site Gib was kind enough to find and share :
Defining rhetoric :
- The art of persuasion, and the study of the art of persuasion, and An individual act of persuasion.
- In the work we'll do in our rhetorical analysis, there are 2 parties to be concerned with:The rhetor: the party that is attempting to persuade, andThe audience: the party that is the target of persuasion.
"Of the [modes of persuasion] provided through speech there are three species: for some are in the character of the speaker, and some are in disposing the listener in some way, and some in the argument itself, by showing or seeming to show something" --Aristotle, On Rhetoric, 1356b (trans. George A. Kennedy)In other words, Aristotle argues that there are three elements to the art of persuasion:- ethos: The rhetor is perceived by the audience as credible (or not).
- pathos: The rhetor attempts to persuade the audience by making them feel certain emotions.
- logos: The rhetor attempts to persuade the audience by the use of arguments that they will perceive as logical.
We call these three elements rhetorical appeals. It's not necessary for every act of persuasion to make use of all three appeals. Often, however, there is some element of each. In academic writing, ethos and logos are given more respect than pathos. An essay that relies primarily on pathos, with little use of ethos or logos, is unlikely to be perceived by an academic audience as persuasive.
Page history last edited by George H. Williams 2 years ago
"Part 1" of the Norton Field Guide to Writing covers the concept of "Rhetorical Situations" (1-17).Whenever we write, whether it's an email to a friend or a toast for a wedding, an English essay or a résumé, we face some kind of rhetorical situation. We have a purpose, a certain audience, a particular stance, a genre, and a medium to consider--and often as not a design. All are important elements that we need to think about carefully. (1)This concept is usually covered in English 101, and you can review "Part 1" if you need to refresh your understanding. In what follows below, we're going to cover what are called the "three rhetorical appeals."
[h=What is Rhetoric?]2[/h] Before we can understand the ways in which the rhetorical appeals work, we must first understand what rhetoric is.
Definition There are many commonly-used definitions, but for our purposes "rhetoric" refers to all of the following:
- The art of persuasion, and
- The study of the art of persuasion, and
- An individual act of persuasion.
In the work we'll do in our rhetorical analysis, there are 2 parties to be concerned with:
- The rhetor: the party that is attempting to persuade, and
- The audience: the party that is the target of persuasion.
We will consider ourselves to be a 3rd party: the observer. We're not being persuaded. We're not persuading. We're just observing the interaction between the rhetor and the audience.
Three Rhetorical Appeals"Of the [modes of persuasion] provided through speech there are three species: for some are in the character of the speaker, and some are in disposing the listener in some way, and some in the argument itself, by showing or seeming to show something" --Aristotle, On Rhetoric, 1356b (trans. George A. Kennedy)In other words, Aristotle argues that there are three elements to the art of persuasion:
- ethos: The rhetor is perceived by the audience as credible (or not).
- pathos: The rhetor attempts to persuade the audience by making them feel certain emotions.
- logos: The rhetor attempts to persuade the audience by the use of arguments that they will perceive as logical.
We call these three elements rhetorical appeals. It's not necessary for every act of persuasion to make use of all three appeals. Often, however, there is some element of each. In academic writing, ethos and logos are given more respect than pathos. An essay that relies primarily on pathos, with little use of ethos or logos, is unlikely to be perceived by an academic audience as persuasive. Below, each of these appeals is explained in more detail.
Seldom is any one statement an example of only one appeal.
"I have to tell you that if you don't stop smoking, you're going to die, " said the doctor to her patient.
This statement combines all three appeals: End quote
The full link is :
Now there are several things to stress first Hubbard did indeed use that book on rhetoric when he wrote all his works and knowing the methods makes seeing how the con was made much easier . Plainly he knew what fallacies were and so liberally applied them to his victim's minds .
Gib has also smartly pointed out Hubbard never taught rhetoric and only very late in the game used the data series as a very poor substitute for logic to undo the mental paralysis his contradiction based double bind hypnotic mind control induced for decades . Plainly his piling hypnotic commands based on confusing his victims with contrary doctrine resulted in very obedient but thoroughly confused and dense and submissive slaves who were useless for decision making in the intelligence activities he needed some of them to perform .
Reportedly another wrote the data series to help fix this and Hubbard did not point out piling more contradictory commands on top would only make matters worse as that was how he deepened the trance in the first place. That is why OEC/FEBC , the BC , Class VIII and all that other training is useless for making competent anything because if the commands take you get an idiot slave robot . If not you should see the contradictions and not accept them or Hubbard as making any sense and reject both utterly. Without the trance to hide contradiction from your conscious mind his insane cult doctrine should look insane and meaningless as technology.
The fact rhetoric contains combined methods of persuasion and Hubbard studied and obviously used it shows very strong proof he knowingly combined practices and I feel hypnotism , psychology and earlier cult methods were all combined into a mad stew and that is why Scientology is so hard to break out from and explain as it is dozens or perhaps hundreds of methods combined so knowing a little about one or two does not take away the confusion and harm from all the rest .
I hope this is of some use .
Mockingbird's Nest : http://mbnest.blogspot.comg/search?up...08:00&max-resu
stuff at ESMB
Rhetoric In Scientology- A Few Brief Examples
The following is an excerpt from a post at ESMB on Ron Hubbard using the Rhetoric he studied under Dean Wilbur in forming his cult doctrine .
I can think of some surely - for ethos ( authority) Hubbard's many fake credentials and accomplishments like his degrees and trumped up war record and his claim of healing himself from being crippled and blind . They make him an instant expert - if believed . His stating that Scientology works every time if exactly applied is given with such confidence and unwavering certainty it implies thorough study to logically arrive at such a conclusion . His claims of having traveled far and seen all kinds of men in all kinds of situations and having studied nineteen primitive races seems to be something that would impart extraordinary wisdom to the few who pursue such efforts . His claims of doing all that research into the whole track weave a fantastical image of distant stars and wondrous worlds , of amazing adventures but most of all that he found and overcame the mechanisms that he said made remembering those things disabled in others . All the space opera was a big claim to ethos - as proof of his technology's workability and therefore his expertise . And the only way to test or verify it we believed (incorrectly) was to go as far up the bridge as Hubbard but he could always claim he went further and further so no proof has to ever come .
For pathos (emotions) all the claims of proving men are good appeals to our desire to be good , his claims that Scientologists are smart and trying where "wogs" are not makes us feel like we are better than others , that is an appeal to vanity or pride or arrogance , he carries this further as he highly compliments staff saying they have a sacred trust and crusade . He goes on with Sups and this becomes far , far more in the Sea Org . They truly are painted as the elite of Earth far , far better than all others beyond any doubt . That is a powerful emotional boost and validation against any outside ideas - as they are the ideas of lesser beings .
Magneto , Lex Luthor , Doctor Doom and Galactus can take lessons in arrogance from many Sea Org members . Hubbard concentrates much of his efforts into using fear of damnation to appeal to people to comply . Fear is a primary motivation of almost all Scientologists , fear of letting down others . Hubbard uses claims of an utterly hopeless slide into blindness , amnesia and constant pain as an immortal eternal spirit for any who do not completely devote their lives to him and sacrifice any other goals to serve his.
I can think of some surely - for ethos ( authority) Hubbard's many fake credentials and accomplishments like his degrees and trumped up war record and his claim of healing himself from being crippled and blind . They make him an instant expert - if believed . His stating that Scientology works every time if exactly applied is given with such confidence and unwavering certainty it implies thorough study to logically arrive at such a conclusion . His claims of having traveled far and seen all kinds of men in all kinds of situations and having studied nineteen primitive races seems to be something that would impart extraordinary wisdom to the few who pursue such efforts . His claims of doing all that research into the whole track weave a fantastical image of distant stars and wondrous worlds , of amazing adventures but most of all that he found and overcame the mechanisms that he said made remembering those things disabled in others . All the space opera was a big claim to ethos - as proof of his technology's workability and therefore his expertise . And the only way to test or verify it we believed (incorrectly) was to go as far up the bridge as Hubbard but he could always claim he went further and further so no proof has to ever come .
For pathos (emotions) all the claims of proving men are good appeals to our desire to be good , his claims that Scientologists are smart and trying where "wogs" are not makes us feel like we are better than others , that is an appeal to vanity or pride or arrogance , he carries this further as he highly compliments staff saying they have a sacred trust and crusade . He goes on with Sups and this becomes far , far more in the Sea Org . They truly are painted as the elite of Earth far , far better than all others beyond any doubt . That is a powerful emotional boost and validation against any outside ideas - as they are the ideas of lesser beings .
Magneto , Lex Luthor , Doctor Doom and Galactus can take lessons in arrogance from many Sea Org members . Hubbard concentrates much of his efforts into using fear of damnation to appeal to people to comply . Fear is a primary motivation of almost all Scientologists , fear of letting down others . Hubbard uses claims of an utterly hopeless slide into blindness , amnesia and constant pain as an immortal eternal spirit for any who do not completely devote their lives to him and sacrifice any other goals to serve his.
He talks of endless trillions of years in agony and the extinction of the human race on earth to dig deep into fear . He also uses blind irrational hate (rightly called disgust by Jon Atack) to motivate disregarding all criticisms out of hand and always attacking the attacker.
For logos (logic or logical sounding statements) he used the tone scale and lots of scientific seeming claims around it to pretend research and scientific methodology went into it . With big charts and columns it looks like a real organized body of info and the length and many complex and technical words serve to reinforce the lie . And his claimed "discoveries" by name sound scientific . The term technology itself is a claim to a logical method and verification . In KSW he claims uniform workability which means this is a bona fide science that has been validated and its time has come . When he claims to remember admin materials from the whole track it makes a claim they are valid from past civilizations.
The tape Org Board and Livingness was the reference that pushed me over the line as focusing intently on it and the awareness characteristics for each division and department with the combination of scientific sounding names and descriptions made me think this was the real deal . His frequent borrowing of terms from engineering makes his ideas sound scientific and as valid as material sciences which get tested very thoroughly . His use of a meter made it seem to involve science in measuring and studying something . It seems like a scientific instrument after all and he claimed it required expert handling so it must do something .
Really I could go on for hours . I see nothing but persuasion and fraud and stolen ideas that never made miracles in all of Dianetics and Scientology . I have been doing this so much and so long and from so many angles I see fallacies and they relate to rhetoric and sublime writing and misdirection and stolen doctrine from others to control thought , emotion and behavior in all his works . It is all I see in them now . EVER . I just am directed by someone or a post to a Hubbard reference or idea and instantly see elements of the con in multiple terms from multiple subjects ( including critical thinking , hypnosis and NLP and psychology , other cult language and my own impressions on how cons are made and cults and abusive relational dynamics )
I am at a very different place than most will probably ever be - or need to be on this . Hubbard always sought to persuade by rhetoric and always lied to my mind . I am truly sorry for any still clinging to any hope it is at all otherwise . All his tricks boil down to creating confusion , pretending to solve it and then making more confusion and getting compliance with his methods to bring on more compliance and confusion in a never ending road to total slavery. Confusion and misdirection off it that seems to cure it - even temporarily , then it returns and demands more direction from Hubbard to relieve it . And this is always done with lies . ALWAYS . Mockingbird's Nest :
Really I could go on for hours . I see nothing but persuasion and fraud and stolen ideas that never made miracles in all of Dianetics and Scientology . I have been doing this so much and so long and from so many angles I see fallacies and they relate to rhetoric and sublime writing and misdirection and stolen doctrine from others to control thought , emotion and behavior in all his works . It is all I see in them now . EVER . I just am directed by someone or a post to a Hubbard reference or idea and instantly see elements of the con in multiple terms from multiple subjects ( including critical thinking , hypnosis and NLP and psychology , other cult language and my own impressions on how cons are made and cults and abusive relational dynamics )
I am at a very different place than most will probably ever be - or need to be on this . Hubbard always sought to persuade by rhetoric and always lied to my mind . I am truly sorry for any still clinging to any hope it is at all otherwise . All his tricks boil down to creating confusion , pretending to solve it and then making more confusion and getting compliance with his methods to bring on more compliance and confusion in a never ending road to total slavery. Confusion and misdirection off it that seems to cure it - even temporarily , then it returns and demands more direction from Hubbard to relieve it . And this is always done with lies . ALWAYS . Mockingbird's Nest :
A Brief Rhetorical Analysis Of Keeping Scientology Working Series 1 : KSW Keeping Slaves Willing
Hubbard had a Scientologist receive one piece of his doctrine in indoctrination far more than all others . It is repeated over and over and referred to again and again .
It is KSW and it rests on an interconnected series of lies that rest on one big lie to be the absolute undoubtable unquestionable foundation of Scientology. I had an ED at a local org who said " if they make it past KSW they might become Scientologists - if not we don't keep 'em " . And she was right - I did not know why then but think I do now .
The big lie that all the rest rely on is : there is " workable " I.E beneficial , reliable , scientific methodology that can consistently produce good and even miraculous results in the subject called Scientology . That is the lie . It was NEVER and will NEVER be true , at all , EVER not even a little . But the lie is the heart of the fraud and con . You have to at first find it remotely possible - even a tiny bit . Then through repetition and confusion you are nudged over and over to buy into it .
In the primary piece of Scientology doctrine Hubbard used many many tricks and fallacies to both imply and state his authority and hypnosis and mind control as well .
He made a group of implants specifically intedended to stack , or combine rhetorical methods and results , they are for the authority for Hubbard and tying it to the elite status Scientologists gain by recognizing and submitting to Hubbard - the two ideas are bound to each other in a large circular argument where each reinforces and props up the other . The clever thing about this is that attacks , criticism or doubts about Hubbard or his " technology " quickly become seen and emotionally felt as personal attacks on the competence and pride of individual Scientologists . This is entirely intentional .
I actually believe his implication and statements on this even exceed the ad hominem implant group with which it intersects as both bolster one another often .
I will here include some quotes from THE centerpiece of ALL Scientology doctrine - many consider the dividing line between Scientology and other practices to be IF a person or group recognizes this reference as valid and attempts to follow it or if they consider it expendable or as having exceptions or lacking importance :
Note in my description I use the following terms as methods from hypnosis or mind control : confusion , anxiety , attention , overwhelm , induce , direct attention , ambiguous language , focus , misdirect and repetition .
Keeping Scientology Working selected quotes
1) We have some time since passed the point of achieving uniformly workable technology.
2) The only thing now is getting the technology applied.
3)If you can get the technology applied, you can deliver what's promised.
4) Getting the correct technology applied consists of:
5)One:Having the correct technology.
6)Two:Knowing the technology.
7)Three:]Knowing it is correct.
8)Four:Teaching correctly the correct technology.
9)Five:]Applying the technology.
10)Six:Seeing that the technology is correctly applied.
11)Seven:Hammering out of existence incorrect technology.
[12)Eight:]Knocking out incorrect applications.
13)Nine:Closing the door on any possibility of incorrect technology.
14)Ten:Closing the door on incorrect application.
15)One above has been done.
- 16)Two has been achieved by many.
- 17)Three is achieved by the individual applying the correct technology in a proper manner and observing that it works that way.
- 18)Four is being done daily successfully in most parts of the world.
- 19)Five is consistently accomplished daily.
- 20)Six is achieved by Instructors and Supervisors consistently.
- 21)Seven is done by a few but is a weak point.
- 22)Eight is not worked on hard enough.
- 23)Nine is impeded by the "reasonable" attitude of the not-quite-bright.
- 24)Ten is seldom done with enough ferocity.
- 25)Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten are the only places Scientology can bog down in any area.
26) The reasons for this are not hard to find. (a) A weak certainty that it works in Three above can lead to weakness in Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten. (b) Further, the not-too-bright have a bad point on the button Self-Importance. (c) The lower the IQ, the more the individual is shut off from the fruits of observation. (d) The service facs of people make them defend themselves against anything they confront, good or bad, and seek to make it wrong. (e) The bank seeks to knock out the good and perpetuate the bad.
27) Thus, we as Scientologists and as an organization must be very alert to Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten.
28)only so long as it does not seek to alter basic principles and successful applications.
29) We will not speculate here on why this was so or how I came to rise above the bank.
30)Similar examples exist in instruction and these are all the more deadly as every time instruction in correct technology is flubbed, then the resulting error, uncorrected in the auditor, is perpetuated on every pc that auditor audits thereafter. So Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten are even more important in a course than in supervision of cases.
31) Squirreling (going off into weird practices or altering Scientology) only comes about from noncomprehension. Usually the noncomprehension is not of Scientology but some earlier contact with an offbeat humanoid practice which in its turn was not understood.
32)With what we know now, there is no student we enroll who cannot be properly trained.
33)The proper instruction attitude is "You're here so you're a Scientologist. Now we're going to make you into an expert auditor no matter what happens, We'd rather have you dead than incapable." end quote
Now I numbered the selected quotes to make referring back easier for the reader and so I would not be constantly repeating the quotes .
The first observation I have is that there are a lot of pieces of info that refer back to each other in a CONFUSING DISJOINTED WAY - intentionally AS A VARIATION OF confusion AND a fallacy in their own right .
From Wikipedia :Proof by verbosity (argumentum verbosium, proof by intimidation) – submission of others to an argument too complex and verbose to reasonably deal with in all its intimate details.
See , Hub presented a ridiculously complex and long PL with tons of points that in a deliberately confusing way present tons of points that are referred to and back to with ambiguous language so you try to remember what all the points are and how what is said in one place relates back to something presented in a giant group of points and - it is all a confused mess !
But the sheer size of it IMPLIES a body of knowledge well organized and thoroughly understood by an AUTHORITY who must have made it ! Never mind that there is no such body of knowledge - the PRESENTATION is where your attention goes NOT validation . The monolith is simply too big to understand easily and so implies wisdom without EVER demonstrating it .
Line one is intentionally written in a confusing style to distract your mind off it's truthfulness or lack thereof as you FOCUS your misdirected mind on the VERY unusual use of " since " to mean " earlier " instead of its usual meaning of " due to or from that point on or from which point in TIME ".
See , many hypnotists use statements with ambiguous or paradoxical wordings regarding time to generate slight cognitive dissonance and in the moment of blankness accompanying the dissonance - swoop in and direct attention . THIS is what Hub was really doing when he pretended you have an MU ! Jon Atack informed me about the dissonance at the exact moment of blankness and I - upon reflection and investigation of cognitive dissonance - agree fully .
Hub makes you confused with his odd , unclear and eccentric word choices - which further implies his authority as a master of language ! THIS is what he was doing with all those odd ways to say things and referring to things with two almost identical terms - so YOU would wonder why he said both characteristics AND qualities or used an unusual idiom like first and foremost - making you clear foremost and to pass a checkout LEARN foremost is a synonym for first and that the redundant use is best explained as either having no additional meaning or as an idiom it focuses attention slightly more on the concept of both words but in either case the wording CONFUSES your mind as you try to find why he uses more words than are needed over and over - you think the problem is YOU or your vocabulary or not really getting the deep meaning in his " wise words ". In any of the cases above you are confused , gain anxiety about this ( which as an " MU phenomenon " makes you focus more on words and not ideas ), and have the constant implication Hub knows something just out of reach .
In point 26 Hub IMPLIES that he is not among the not too bright and that he has a high IQ by speaking in a round about way where others with flaws he implies he does not have have their errors listed, also implying immunity to those for himself .
Points 1 , 3 , 5 and 15 ALL refer to one another in a circular argument mixed in with the other points to generate confusion sorting them out - further implying his brilliance in keeping them straight and tying up the attention of his victim - even writing about the method is confusing and I KNOW what he is doing !
The term " Technology " is initially confusing as one tries to sort out " just what the heck is this technology ? " . It is not a material science like engineering or something familiar . This ambiguous term that just refers to Scientology and Scientology is defined as the technology - which gives a hidden circular argument that there is SCIENTIFIC validated method here - with no real proof or clear explanation . So that further confuses a person . At some point a person may accept that there actually is a technology - just to understand the rest of the reference better ! Oopsies !
Lines 4 through 14 refer to each other in very slightly different ways - to confuse and imlpy through complexity, ambiguity and repetition that there is SOMETHING genuine to this " technology " !
Points 15 through 25 refer WAY back in a disorganized incoherent way to 5 through 14 and this is intentional as if you where to rewrite it with 15 linked to 5 , 16 to 6 , 17 to 7 , 18 to 8 , 19 to 9 , 20 to 10 , 21 to 11 , 22 to 12 , 23 to 13 , 24 to 14 and 25 as a separate clearer sentence or even short paragraph the constant keeping track of and referring back to ideas would not DIVIDE the attention to the edge of madness - further reducing the critical factor by MISDIRECTION . The ideas are actually simpler than what is written here IF better organized .
Having the correct technology has been done.
Knowing the technology has been achieved by many.
Knowing it is correct and that is achieved by the individual applying the correct technology in a proper manner and observing that it works that way.
Teaching correctly the correct technology and it is being done daily successfully in most parts of the world.
Applying the technology which is consistently accomplished daily.
Seeing that the technology is correctly applied which is achieved by Instructors and Supervisors consistently.
Hammering out of existence incorrect technology which is done by a few but is a weak point.
Knocking out incorrect applications is not worked on hard enough.
Closing the door on any possibility of incorrect technology is impeded by the "reasonable" attitude of the not-quite-bright.
Closing the door on incorrect application is seldom done with enough ferocity.
Now if this was there it would be a LOT clearer and 25 should really be a little paragraph set off and completely redone for clarity as well . Now , if stated THIS way the constant overuse of the term technology with no definition becomes abundantly clear - it is referred to over and over !
It is also clear that there are MANY claims asserted with NO PROOF EVER !!!!
The other way sorting out the vague garbage is ALL you are even trying to do - NOT decide if you accept or believe ANY of it .
Point 23 redefines " reasonable " as a BAD thing , with NO explanation for free loaded language AND acceptance of the ideas within the new language ! Point 23 has the not-quite-bright and point 26 the not-too-bright - to further confuse , as why choose such similar wording except to induce confusion ?
Point 26 should be rewritten as several sentences and made much clearer but it is also intended to divide attention and further confuse - not inform . Point 27 further divides attention .
Point 29 directs your imagination to speculate on how Hubbard in some mysterious way overcame the bank and why this was - so you ASSUME he DID overcome the bank AND that it EVEN exists ! It functions like saying do not think of a pink elephant - you automatically think of it in hearing it !
And he as an expert hypnotist KNEW you would be distracted by wondering why and how he could do this . Points 30 , 32 and 33 ALL assert (largely through very slight variation to confuse ) and repetition that Scientology works - again with no proof !
Point 31 says a lot in one place - that by calling going off into weird practices squirreling it IMPLIES Scientology is NOT weird - making it orthodox in some undefined way .
It also says this comes about from noncomprehension - linking this to the MU doctrine AND misdirecting attention off the fact that noncomprehension can be from incredulity , finding contradictions , being confused by things that do not add up - all triggers for CRITICAL analysis and inquiry ! You know like in normal pre-Scientology life .
It also further combines tricks as it claims noncomprehension is not from Scientology ( discouraging close examination ) but earlier off beat humanoid practices .
Okay this is to IMPLY earlier practices existed and may effect people now - meaning it links to the whole track doctrine as " proof " and has the corollary that if the earlier practices are offbeat THEN it follows that Scientology is NOT offbeat - with no proof .
And by saying the earlier practice "in its turn " is a vague way to imply all these earlier practices ( and earlier civilizations ) and tie up your mind wondering what and when it was and not notice that he says the practice was NOT UNDERSTOOD as a cause of noncomprehension . That has a couple more ideas too - the idea noncomprehension comes from not understood things - which is a synonym for misunderstood and that this can be linked to earlier similar things a vital and unproven Scientology doctrine .
Point 33 implies that a Scientologist is CAPABLE and being one is automatic by being here and death is preferable to not being a Scientologist - ALL strong extreme unproven claims mashed together so the overwhelmed confused student just hypnotically intakes and does not evaluate ANY of the claims for authenticity or desirability ! See , he makes many , many claims here almost all of which are NOT to be inspected or questioned or even perceived really - just taken in and followed .
I have ONLY taken a small sample from one reference - this entire PL is a huge logical fallacy designed to stir emotion , wonder , confusion , an air of expertise and certainty that there is a real subject here and Hubbard MUST be the authority on it and only true originator ( asserting the single source myth with no proof ) and make you buy and never question many other ideas and bolster lies from other doctrine linking them in your mind .It is intended to through repetition and confusion gain dominance and install the double bind ( or circle of lies )
Explained in the following link :
Supplemented by the following link
This is my first quickie off the cuff analysis of KSW - Keeping Slaves Willing .
I hope it can help show many claims are asserted with no shred of proof and ideas accepted without direct examination as a requirement to even participate in Scientology .
This trend only expands over time .
There are many , many other places Hub pretends expertise and authority - all without merit . I started with this as IT hangs up exes often for decades in confusion - as it was intended to . Simply put the confusion is a kind of trance state that can impair thinking and happiness covertly for life if unhandled .
There are many of these states that a Scientologist accumulates and pile up , even moving from one to another seemlessly after they replace normal thought and identity enough . Some people cancel a few trances or many but not all and so are " weird " years after leaving Scientology or still enthralled or fascinated by parts of it even if knowing Hub lied or the tech fails and the group is a criminal cult .
I am sorry I am very sure that is how it works - I wish just figuring out he lied or there are no OTs or the SO and orgs are running a fraud would magically make us wake up but for many that is simply not true . I do plan to soon write another thread entirely on trance states so people can better understand what happens to their mind and what Scientology does to it .
But I hope this served both as an example of Hub's unsubstantiated claims of authority and the utter fraud and deception KSW was always intended to serve as . It is a circular argument : the tech works this way and only this way because Hub as the top expert knows it and he is the top expert because it works but neither is ever proven at all !
Enjoy sharing this with everyone especially indies and under the radar folks .
Mockingbird's Greatest Hits
I have reached nearly two hundred posts online and thousands of comments as well. In looking back at all that I realized a very small number of posts have been consistently the most viewed and likely most helpful for people seeking to understand Scientology.
I certainly hope they are helping people. Here I will try to present the short list of the posts that best explain my ideas and can introduce you to information that I hope will help begin beneficial examination of Scientology.
1)Insidious Enslavement: Study Technology
2)Basic Introduction To Hypnosis in Scientology
3)Pissed It's Not Your Fault !!!
4)The Secret Of Scientology Part 1 Control Via Contradiction
5)Burning Down Hell - How Commands Are Hidden, Varied And Repeated To Control You As Hypnotic Implants
6)Why Hubbard Never Claimed OT Feats And The Rock Bottom Basis Of Scientology
7)A Million Years In Hell
8-10)OT III And Beyond: Sources Plagiarized From Part 1, 2 and 3
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
11)Propaganda By Reversal Of Meaning In Scientology
12)Scientology's Parallel In Nature - Malignant Narcissism
13)OT VIII Delusion Fulfilled
14)There Is No Irony In Scientology
15 - 16)Why Lying And Murder Are Justified In Scientology part 1 and 2
Part 1
Part 2
Why Lying And Murder Are Justified In Scientology part 3
17)Unraveling Scientology - A Missing Vital Ingredient
18)Loving A Lie
19)Two Roads
20)Orders Of Magnitude Part 1
These twenty posts have been both popular and give a very good grounding in many of my ideas on Scientology
I have reached nearly two hundred posts online and thousands of comments as well. In looking back at all that I realized a very small number of posts have been consistently the most viewed and likely most helpful for people seeking to understand Scientology.
I certainly hope they are helping people. Here I will try to present the short list of the posts that best explain my ideas and can introduce you to information that I hope will help begin beneficial examination of Scientology.
1)Insidious Enslavement: Study Technology
2)Basic Introduction To Hypnosis in Scientology
3)Pissed It's Not Your Fault !!!
4)The Secret Of Scientology Part 1 Control Via Contradiction
5)Burning Down Hell - How Commands Are Hidden, Varied And Repeated To Control You As Hypnotic Implants
6)Why Hubbard Never Claimed OT Feats And The Rock Bottom Basis Of Scientology
7)A Million Years In Hell
8-10)OT III And Beyond: Sources Plagiarized From Part 1, 2 and 3
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
11)Propaganda By Reversal Of Meaning In Scientology
12)Scientology's Parallel In Nature - Malignant Narcissism
13)OT VIII Delusion Fulfilled
14)There Is No Irony In Scientology
15 - 16)Why Lying And Murder Are Justified In Scientology part 1 and 2
Part 1
Part 2
Why Lying And Murder Are Justified In Scientology part 3
17)Unraveling Scientology - A Missing Vital Ingredient
18)Loving A Lie
19)Two Roads
20)Orders Of Magnitude Part 1
These twenty posts have been both popular and give a very good grounding in many of my ideas on Scientology
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